Bulletin for Dec 4, 2022

Bulletin for Dec 4, 2022

Weekly Update from Valleyview Mennonite Church  

For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 3:11 



10:00am - Worship Live Stream 

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When prompted, enter the password above. A Vimeo free account is not necessary for viewing but is required to use the chat feature during a live stream.  


New and updated announcements are marked with purple font. 


Sunday December 4, 2022

 Second Sunday of Advent 


10:00am – In-Person & Live Stream* Worship Service 

If you have a Joy or Concern that you would like to bring forward to the congregation on Sunday, please email the Pastoral Care Team at pct@valleyviewmc.ca.

Worship Leader: Elenor T

Speaker: Ruth A M

Song Leader: Henry B

Pianist: Elenor T

Reader: Kristibeth K

Community Prayer: Susan BP

Tech Team: Gary G, Heather P

Ushers: Ben R, Henry J, Mary-Faye St.L

Counters: Henry J, Erin WP

Coffee Host: Eleanor G

Order of Service



Song: VT#223 - Bless’d be the God of Israel

Call to worship

Leader: A branch shall come forth from the stump of Jesse;

 its root shall bear fruit.

People: May we be ready, O Lord, ready to be fruit bearers of your harvest,

 bringing forth the fruit of dwelling, longing, unity, and peace.

Leader: Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us.

People: Renew our spirit, stand as a banner before us,

 bright as morning glory.

Leader: Prepare the way for new life that emerges in and through you,

 life that ripples out to your people, into all nations.

All: In you there is glorious rest.

Prayer, adapted from Psalm 72:1-7

Song of the Month: VT#213 - Poor of the Earth

Candle-lighting liturgy

Leader: John the Baptist proclaimed,

 “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”

People: Prepare the way of the Lord,

 make God’s paths straight.

Song: STS#3 Come, light of the world 

Leader: As we prepare, we light this candle as a sign of peace.

People: Bring your restoration to your people, we pray.

Scripture reading #1: Isaiah 11:1-8 Kristibeth K

Children’s time 

Children’s song: VT#257 - Away in a Manger (Vs 1 – children only; vs 2 & 3 all)

Scripture reading #2: Matthew 3:1–12

Leader: Your word is a light to my path.

People: Thanks be to God.

Message: Preparing for the Messiah, Ruth Martin

Offering and prayer: “Our offerings we bring to you.”

Congregational sharing and prayer: Susan BP (Pastoral Care)

Closing song: VT#219 - Prepare ye the way of the Lord 




11:00am Second Hour

Upstairs: Coffee Hour; Introducing the new Valleyview Website, Q&A session with John S & Heather P


>Junior Sunday School: Teacher: Susan & Tom P, Snack Host: Lori & John N

>Youth Meet

This Week at Valleyview 

Saturday Dec 3

10:00am-12:00pm: Junior Sunday School Holiday Gathering at Valleyview. Crafts & Activities, Carol Singing, Decorating Christmas Cookies! (RSVP to Deb or Lori by Dec 1st)

5:30-8:30pm: Youth Christmas Party at Jacques & Maria’s home. A meal and fun gift exchange. (RSVP to Maria P by Nov 27th)

Wednesday Dec 7

9:30am-11:30am: EarlyON Busy Bodies Drop-In Playgroup, ages 0-6 years

12:00-5:00pm: Church Office Closed in the afternoon, Administrator unavailable.

Thursday Dec 8

9:00am-12:00pm: Church Office Closed in the morning, Administrator unavailable.

Friday Dec 7

7:00 - 9:00pm: Valleyview's Christmas Party at Valleyview, featuring music group View from the Valley (John N., Natashja S, & Derek M) including Sing-a-Long Christmas favourites. Tickets required, purchase by Dec 4th.


Next Sunday December 11, 2022

Third Sunday of Advent


10:00am – In-Person & Live Stream* Worship Service

If you have a Joy or Concern that you would like to bring forward to the congregation on Sunday, please email the Pastoral Care Team at pct@valleyviewmc.ca.

Worship Leader: Lynne W

Speaker: Derek M

Song Leader: Heidi W

Pianist: Elenor T

Reader: Helmut W

Community Prayer: Gary G

Tech Team: Tom P, Heather P

Ushers: Brian C Henry J, Helen D

Counters: Henry J, Erin WP

Coffee Host: Henry & Elly

11:00am Second Hour

Upstairs: Coffee Hour; Christmas Carol Sing


>Junior Sunday School - Teacher: to be determined, Snack Host: Tim & Elma

>Youth Meet

Worship Schedule Preview 


December 4 - Advent 2

Worship leader Elenor Taves, speaker Ruth Martin.

Second Hour: introduction of Valleyview’s new website & member portal, Q&A session with Heather P & John S

December 11 - Advent 3

Worship leader Lynne W, speaker Derek M

Second Hour: Carol-singing

December 18 - Advent 4

Worship leader Jacques P, speaker David FW

Second Hour: TBD

December 24 - Christmas Eve, 6:30pm.

Worship leader Shelley K

December 25 - Christmas Day 10:00am. ON ZOOM

Worship leader Elenor T

There will be a time for fellowship during this hour.


In and Around Valleyview 


Valleyview Christmas Party – Friday December 9th:

(Invite attached to the Weekly Update email)

You are invited to attend Valleyview's Christmas Party held this year on Friday December 9th from 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Valleyview. View from the Valley (John N., Natashja S, & Derek M) will feature some of their music including Sing-a-Long Christmas favourites.

Tickets are $10 a person and registration is due by Sunday, December 4th. For registration, please click here to complete the form: https://forms.gle/dzgykZaDyttefbaX8 and e-transfer payment to treasurer@valleyviewmc.ca, indicate "Christmas ticket" in the comments. Or, contact Linda W, or Heather P at the church office with cash payment.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


Linda W, Church Council 



Masking at Valleyview

Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health strongly recommends that Ontarians wear masks in all indoor public settings. This announcement came as a response to extraordinary pressures the healthcare system is experiencing with COVID-19, seasonal colds, influenza, and respiratory illnesses.

Our Valleyview COVID-19 task force would like to strongly encourage everyone to:

• Wear masks for worship services and large gatherings

• Get the COVID-19 vaccines and influenza vaccine (flu shot)

• Stay home if feeling unwell

Extra single-use masks are available at the entry doors on Sunday in case of forgetting to bring one.

We hope these recommendations help to ensure everyone feels comfortable and safe at Valleyview. Thanks for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our COVID-19 task force committee members: Don, Greg, Erin, and Heather.

Donations to the Church Budget 

For ways to Donate and YTD contribution statements where you can track your donations and pledges - please visit the website at www.valleyviewmc.ca.

Our monthly Target is: $25,711.00 for each month of the year.

Our November Gifts received to the General Fund: $26,410.00.

Our December Gifts received to-date: $499.00.


John S



In the Broader Community 


Celebrating 50 years of MCC Thrift:

Watch Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CA9CQz2Emx0

This virtual event celebrates the history, creativity and generosity of the MCC Thrift network. Over the last 50 years MCC Thrift shops have raised more than US$250 million/CA$305 million for the work of MCC at home and around the world, all while providing affordable secondhand goods and community connection. Let’s celebrate that legacy! This virtual event took place Nov. 22, 2022. It features stories from MCC Thrift’s grassroots beginnings, a chance to meet some of our amazing staff and volunteers, and a celebration of the impact that the network has made possible.

Silver Lake Mennonite Camp:

2023 Winter and Spring Retreats now open for registration: Come to Silver Lake in 2023 for some fun camp experiences! Dads & Kids, Snowshoe Hike, Women’s Retreat, Couples Retreat, Winter Camp for Grown-Ups, March Break Family Getaway, Youth Camp and Family Camp – there are options for all ages! Go to SLMC Retreats & Events for more info and to register. These make fantastic Christmas gifts!

For the latest news and volunteer opportunities, visit links below: 

Severe Scent Allergy 

Valleyview is a scent-free zone as many participants have strong reactions to scented products. Please refrain from using all scented products: cologne, perfume, hairspray, hand and body lotion. 


This Weekly Update e-mail has been sent by the Church Office at Valleyview Mennonite Church (an Ontario Corporation). To UNSUBSCRIBE from the Valleyview congregation email distribution list, please email office@valleyviewmc.ca and request to be removed. 

Heather Perquin
Administrative Coordinator
Valleyview Mennonite Church
1170 Melsandra Avenue  |  London, ON  |  N5Y 4N9
519-438-1705  |  www.valleyviewmc.ca

Office Hours:
Mon: Closed
Tue, Wed, Fri: 9:30am to 1:00pm
Thurs: by appointment, phone or email
