Weekly Update
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already
laid, which is Jesus Christ.
December 8, 2024
Worship at Valleyview
Theme: Advent 2 - Opening
hearts: What do we ask for?
Worship Leader: Linda W
Speaker: David Friesen-Waldner
Song Leader: Maggie P
Musician: Krisanne N
Reader: Katriel FW
Tech Team: Heather P, Gary G
Ushers: Paul A, Innocent
M, Henry J
Counters: Terry Z, Heather P
Order of Service
Lighting of the Christ
Call to Worship (based on Joel 2:12-13)
Hymn: VT141 - Create in Me a Clean Heart
Prayer of Confession
Hymn: VT553 - How many times we start again
Children s Time: Planning for a trip
Scripture: Joel 2:12-13
& 28-29; Luke 11:13
Message: "When
Worlds Collide" - David Friesen-Waldner
Hymn: VT533 - Quietly, Peacefully
Offertory prayer and
Community Sharing &
Hymn: VT839 - Go Ye Now
in Peace/Go, My Friends, in Peace
11:00am Second
Hour (no coffee service today)
Hymn Sing for all
Week at Valleyview
Friday, December 6th, 6:30pm 9:30pm
🍽 Youth Progressive Dinner
Youth, dress warm and come
hungry! We will start at the Miles' house for appetizers, then walk to the
Henderson's for a main course and then walk to the Hall's for dessert. (All
details and addresses sent to youth email. RSVP now closed.)
Saturday, December 7th, 5:00pm - 7:30pm
🎉Valleyview Intergenerational Christmas Party🎄
Come join us for an intergenerational
Christmas event which will include pizza and ice cream sundaes, a gingerbread
making contest and carol sing. Get ready to be creative and have fun!
When: Saturday, December 7th
Time: 5:00pm 7:30pm
RSVP now closed.
Next: Sunday December 15, 2024
10:00am Worship at Valleyview
Theme: Advent 3 - Anointing for justice: Who
Worship Leader: Shelley K
Speaker: Pastor Marv
Song Leader: Heidi W
Musician: Rayne D
Reader: Allison H
Tech Team: Heather P, Dan H
Ushers: Don T, Allison H,
Helen D
Counters: Russ S, David H
Coffee Host: TBD (Sign up sheet on Library counter)
11:00am Second Hour
Upstairs: Sharing Faith Story Anne K
Lower Level: Youth Meetup, and
Children/Junior Youth Sunday School Class
Snack Host: TBD (Snack Host Needed! Please
contact the office)
Children s Sunday School (JK-Gr 4) Teacher: Kristibeth
K & Maria P
Junior Youth (Gr 5-7) Teacher: Lanette FW
Youth Meetup (Gr 8-12) Leader: Jacob
M/Sarah D
Worship Preview
During this season of Advent and Christmas
through Epiphany, we are invited to join together on a
journey, travelling toward a deeper understanding of our faith. Our
visuals and children's time will take us along a path of discovery where we
will encounter smooth, easy sections as well as parts that are rough and
challenging. As we explore the themes of hope, joy and faithfulness, we
will be reminded of the loving God who walks with us on this journey.
Dec 8, Advent 2: Opening hearts: What do we ask for?
Second Hour: Christmas Hymn Sing for all
is no potluck meal in December)
Dec 15, Advent 3: Anointing for justice: Who
Second Hour: Sharing Faith Story
Dec 22, Advent 4: Embodying God's spirit: Who lends a
Second Hour: Members of Board/Council/Committees will share stories of their
Dec 24, Christmas Eve @
6:30 pm: Celebrating Christ's birth
Dec 29: Keeping
promises: Who sees it?
Jan 5, Epiphany: Nurturing faith: From whom do we learn?
Donations to the Church
For ways to donate please visit www.valleyviewmc.ca/Give.
donations received Year-to-Date: $286,249
2024 Annual
donations target: $289,897
required to meet target: $3,648
New and updated announcements are
marked with purple font.
In and Around Valleyview
Sponsorship Pledges/Donations
At the December 1st 2024, congregational
meeting the following motion was approved.
MOTION: To proceed with a Refugee sponsorship of [WTG] and family using the current
balance of the Missions & Social Concerns Refugee Fund and obtaining the
additional donations/pledges of $18,479 by Dec 31 2024.
The Refugee sponsorship will proceed based on having a minimum of 80% pledged
or donated. Pledges will be payable in instalments over 2025, 2026 and
2027 designated to the Missions & Social Concerns - Refugee Fund.
As a response,
we are looking for your donation or pledge commitment to the M&SC - Refugee
Fund by Dec 31, 2024. We are
happy for you to schedule your donations over the coming 3 years if you desire.
Obtaining 80% pledged/donated of the
required additional funds by Dec 31, will allow Missions and Social Concerns to
proceed with the sponsorship application with MCC Jan 1, 2025.
We invite you
to make your pledge online https://www.valleyviewmc.ca/refugeepledge in
support of this program.
All donations
will be received and used per the terms of the M&SC Refugee Fund https://www.valleyviewmc.ca/content/refugee-fund-restricted-fund. Tax
receipts are available for these donations. Donations will be
receipted in the year the funds are received by Valleyview Mennonite
Church. As an example, if you would like a tax receipt for the full
amount in 2024, then the full donation must be received by Dec 31, 2024.
Donations can
be made:
1. Online https://www.valleyviewmc.ca/givenow by designating to M&SC - Refugee Fund
2. By e-transfer to
treasurer@valleyviewmc.ca with the words M&SC - Refugee Fund in the memo
3. By offering plate using
an offering envelope and specifying M&SC- Refugee Fund on the envelope.
Thank you for
your support. As reminder, this is incremental giving over and above our
General Budget needs.
John Spenler, Treasurer
Exciting News! The New MCC Meat Cannery is ready!
January 18, 2025 from 1:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., 65
Heritage Dr., New Hamburg
After months of hard work and anticipation, the MCC Meat Cannery in New Hamburg
is complete and it s time to celebrate!
🎉 Join
us for the grand dedication event 🎉
Explore the new facility.
Discover the life-changing impact of MCC s canned meat around the world.
🍴 Enjoy
delicious refreshments and appetizers.
No need
to RSVP just come as you are and be part of this special moment.
For details, visit mcc.org/meat-cannery-dedication.
MCEC: Introducing:
Transformed. Inspired. Called. An MCEC Devotional!
This brand-new weekly online devotional brings heartfelt
reflections from MCEC pastors straight to your inbox every Wednesday. Don t
miss out on this opportunity to deepen your faith journey with insights rooted
in our shared MCEC mission. Sign up today for MCEC Connect and be part of
this transformative experience!
Silver Lake Mennonite Camp
Winter and Spring Retreats Registration Opens
December 1 at 12pm: Come to Silver Lake in 2025 for fun camp
experiences! On the calendar are Fathers & Kids Retreat (Jan 17-19),
Women s Retreat (Jan 31-Feb 2), Winter Camp for Grown-Ups (Feb 28-Mar 2), Staff
Alumni Retreat (Mar 21-23), Music Retreat (Mar 28-30), Family Camp (May 16-18).
Go to slmc.ca/retreats for more info.
Summer Camp: Registration for overnight
camp and day camp opens February 1 at 8am. Outtrip
registration opens Jan 7 sign up before Jan 30 to get $100 off! Visit slmc.ca/summer-camp to have a sneak peek at
the 2025 schedule.
For the
latest news and volunteer opportunities, visit links below:
MCC (Mennonite Central Committee): mcccanada.ca
MCEC (Mennonite Church Eastern Canada): mcec.ca
MDS (Mennonite Disaster Service): mds.mennonite.net
edition of On the Level: https://conta.cc/3ANNKy8
MEDA (Mennonite Economic Development Associates):
Practices at Valleyview
Zone: Severe Scent Allergy
Valleyview is a scent-free zone as many participants have strong
reactions to scented products. Please refrain from using all scented products:
cologne, perfume, hairspray, hand and body lotion.
No Peanuts: Allergy Alert
Some members in attendance experience serious peanut allergy. Please
refrain from bringing, eating, or serving any food labelled as containing
peanuts or with warning May contain peanuts .
Masking Policy at Valleyview
Please wear a facemask if you feel more comfortable and remember
to stay home if you are not feeling well.