Bulletin for September 15, 2024

Bulletin for September 15, 2024

Weekly Update


For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:11


No Livestream: 
Home Viewers, we will record Sunday's worship service and upload video to valleyviewmc.ca > Watch > Past Worship Services. An email will be sent when it is available. Contact the church office by email if you are unable to access.


Sunday September 15, 2024


10:00am – Worship at Valleyview


Theme: To Hope and Act with Creation worship series begins - Kinship


Worship Leader: Maggie P

Speaker: Pastor Marv

Song Leader: Donelda F

Scripture Reader: Evan B

Musician: Krisanne N

Tech Team: Heather P, John S

Ushers: Allison H, Helen D, TBD

Counters: Russ S, David H

Coffee Host: Helen D


Order of Service
Hymn: VT# 120 - For the Beauty of the Earth (vs 4 acapella)
Lighting the Peace Candle
Call to Worship (VT# 855)
Prayer of Confession
Hymn: VT# 788 - The Garden Needs Tending Now (hymn of the month)
Prayer of Praise 
Hymn: VT# 847 - You Shall Go Out With Joy
Scripture Reading: Based on Psalm 148
Responsive Reading
Children’s Time

Scripture Reading: Mark 3:20-35
Message: What does Kinship mean to you? - Pastor Marv
Hymn: VT# 175 - Planets Humming as They Wander  
Community Prayer
Prayer of Reflection
Hymn: VT# 177 - All Things Bright and Beautiful


11:00am – Second Hour


Upstairs: Special Meeting of the Membership, 11:00am

           Special Meeting of the Membership (Second Hour, 11am)

We request the membership and participants of Valleyview Mennonite Church join us for a Special Meeting of the Membership during the Second Hour. At this meeting, the membership will approve the revised bylaws and resolutions, revise our previous decision on an auditor, and conduct other business. For more information, visit: https://www.valleyviewmc.ca/page/345?Item=410

Lower Level: Youth Meetup, and Children/Junior Youth Sunday School Class

Snack Host: Jess A & Dan H

Children’s Sunday School (JK-Gr 4), Teacher: Rachel C
Junior Youth (Gr 5-7), Teacher:
Lanette FW

Youth (Gr 8-12), Leader: Jacob M


This Week at Valleyview


Staff Vacation Notice

Heather (admin) is on vacation September 19 & 20 (Thurs/Fri). The Church Office will be closed. Pastor Marv remains available for any Pastoral Care concerns.




Sunday, Sept 15:

Youth Gathering, 3-6pm

Meet at North London Athletic fields at 3pm - on the west side of Adelaide just south of Windemere. We’ll play some outside games, then walk to David and Allison's house to make your own woodfired pizzas! Pickup at 6pm. (address in email sent Sept 6th) RSVP by Thursday Sept 12th to the invite email. Gathering Leaders: David & Allison, Jacques & Maria


Tuesday, Sept 17:

Board Meeting (online) - 7:00pm


Wednesday, Sept 18:

Church Council Meeting (online) – 7:30pm


Thursday, Sept 19

Male Chorus Rehearsal - 7:30pm



Sunday, September 22: Sunday Lunch Bunch, 12 noon

This month's Lunch Bunch gathering will be hosted by Ken and Carol D at their home in Komoka, ON. Their address is in the Sept 13th Lunch Bunch announcement email. It will also be in the printed bulletin that week.
The meal is potluck, so please bring something to share.  Drinks will be provided.

If you plan to attend Lunch Bunch on the 22nd, please RSVP to Ken and Carol at kaecee@isp.ca 

October 18 – 20, 2024: Valleyview Unplugged, Fall Church Retreat


Next: Sunday September 22, 2024

10:00am – Worship at Valleyview


Theme: To Hope and Act with Creation worship series - Interdependence


Worship Leader: Jacques
Speaker: Pastor Marv

Song Leader: Donelda F

Scripture Reader: Joel FW

Musician: Rayne D

Tech Team: Heather P, Tom P

Ushers: Tim F, Brian C, TBD

Counters: David H, Ben R

Coffee Host: TBD


11:00am – Second Hour

Upstairs: Sharing Faith story/reflection

Lower Level: Youth Meetup, and Children/Junior Youth Sunday School Class

Snack Host: Henry & Elly B

Children’s Sunday School (JK-Gr 4) Teacher: Rachel C
Junior Youth (Gr 5-7) Teacher:
Lanette FW

Youth Meetup (Gr 8-12) Leader:  Jacob M/Sarah D


Worship Preview


Worship: To Hope and Act with Creation is our fall worship series, providing an Anabaptist lens as we seek justice and peace for all creation. In a time when the groans of creation are growing in intensity, Mennonites are invited to join Christians all over the world in marking the Season of Creation - six weeks in September and October of worship, prayer, and action dedicated to the healing of our common home. (We will extend into November.)


Romans 8:14-25 provides a rich scriptural framework for the season, inviting us to join creation in lament and praise as we seek reconnecting as kin within the whole, moving away from a culture of destruction into a fully restored and embodied web of life.


September 15: To Hope and Act with Creation series begins - Kinship.
Second Hour: Special Meeting of the Membership


September 22: To Hope and Act with Creation Series - Interdependence.
Second Hour: Sharing faith stories


September 29, Orange Shirt Sunday: To Hope and Act with Creation Series - Revealing.

Milestone Bible Presentations.
Second Hour: Fellowship Time


October 6: To Hope and Act with Creation Series - Hope.
Second Hour: Sharing faith stories


October 13: Thanksgiving
Second Hour: Potluck Meal for all (no Sunday School classes)


October 20: Valleyview Unplugged, Annual Silver Lake Church Retreat
There is no worship at Valleyview in London this weekend.


October 27: Worship Guests, the Valleyview Male Chorus
Second Hour: Male Chorus performance


Donations to the Church Budget


For ways to donate please visit www.valleyviewmc.ca/Give.


Donations received in September: $7,795

Monthly donations target:  $24,158

Total donations received Year-to-Date: $196,379
2024 Annual donations target: $289,897




New and updated announcements are marked with purple font.


In and Around Valleyview

Name Tags in Mailboxes:

This Sunday and throughout September, the name tags will be placed in member mailboxes in the upstairs foyer. Please find your tag and wear it proudly as our new families find this is a very welcoming tradition. Empty tags and markers are available for newcomers or missed names.



Valleyview Unplugged:

When: October 18- 20, 2024

ThemeMeeting God in the Wilderness

Where:  Silver Lake Mennonite Camp

What to Expect:  Prepare yourselves to Meet God in the Wilderness at Valleyview Unplugged this year! We invite you to a weekend filled with God’s presence and fellowship among community. Come for an experience in nature and an opportunity to work together to prepare elements of our Sunday worship service, either through Visuals, Music, Drama or Creative Writing. We hope to see you there!

On-line Registration: between September 8 – October 6 (link in Sept 8th email)

Cost: Food and Accommodation Costs at the Camp provided by Valleyview Mennonite Church


In the Broader Community


MCEC Palestine Israel Networking Group presents 
Challenge for the Church: Antisemitism, Saturday, November 2, 2024, 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Waterloo North Mennonite Church, 100 Benjamin Rd, Waterloo. How has the Church been antisemitic in the past? How can the Church resist antisemitism today? Join us for a day that calls us to a deeper examination of Mennonite thought and action. We invite churches to join us for this workshop on antisemitism, as well as a companion event March 2025 Challenge for the Church: Islamophobia. 
Register at mcec.ca/events.

Silver Lake Mennonite Camp 

SLMC Fall Coffeehouse Fundraiser  Silver Lake Mennonite Camp is hosting a Coffeehouse Fundraiser on Sept. 28 from 7-9pm on the second floor of 50 Kent Ave, Kitchener. This will also be a sendoff for former Executive Director Karen Cornies. Visit slmc.ca for more information. 

SLMC Work Weekend – Help Silver Lake close up camp at Fall Work Weekend on Saturday, Nov. 2. Come for the day or stay for the weekend. A family-friendly event with free, delicious meals cooked for you. Registration and more info at slmc.ca/retreats.



For the latest news and volunteer opportunities, visit links below:


MCC (Mennonite Central Committee): mcccanada.ca

MCEC (Mennonite Church Eastern Canada): mcec.ca

MDS (Mennonite Disaster Service): mds.mennonite.net

· August edition of On the Level:  https://conta.cc/3Av5ttD

MEDA (Mennonite Economic Development Associates): www.meda.org


   Attendance Practices at Valleyview


Scent-Free Zone: Severe Scent Allergy

Valleyview is a scent-free zone as many participants have strong reactions to scented products. Please refrain from using all scented products: cologne, perfume, hairspray, hand and body lotion.

No Peanuts: Allergy Alert

Members in attendance experience a serious peanut allergy. Please refrain from bringing, eating, or serving any food labelled as containing peanuts or with warning “May contain peanuts”.

Masking Policy at Valleyview

Please wear a facemask if you feel more comfortable and remember to stay home if you are not feeling well.


