Bulletin for September 1, 2024

Bulletin for September 1, 2024

Weekly Update


For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:11


Sunday September 1, 2024


10:00am – Worship at Valleyview


No Livestream: Recording services for home viewers will return September 8th.


Theme: Anabaptist Common Practices #11 - Telling the Truth


Worship Leader: Pastor Marv

Speaker: Pastor Marv

Song Leader: Heidi W

Scripture Reader: Heidi W

Musician: Elenor T

Tech Team: Dan H

Ushers: Ben R, Paul W, Lynne W

Counters: Ben R, Erin W


Order of Service


Lighting of Peace Candle

Welcome and Call to Worship

Opening Prayer

Hymn: God, Be the Love - VT# 43

Prayer of Confession

Hymn: The Garden Needs Our Tending Now - VT# 788

Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:33-37

Children’s Time

Message: Pastor Marv

Hymn: Lord, I want to be a Christian - VT# 558

Offertory Prayer and Offering

Community Sharing and Prayer

Sending Hymn: I Bind My Heart This Tide - VT# 556




Sunday School will return September 15th.


This Week at Valleyview


Staff Vacation

Sunday, September 1 – Heather, Church Office closed.

Tuesday, September 3 - Church Office closed to observe the Labour Day holiday.




Sunday, September 15th: Special Meeting of the Membership (Second Hour, 11am)


October 18 – 20, 2024: Valleyview Unplugged, Fall Church Retreat

Save the date for our annual fall retreat at Silver Lake Mennonite Camp, Sauble Beach, ON.

Details will be announced in the coming weeks and registration will open September 8th.


Next: Sunday September 8, 2024


10:00am – Worship at Valleyview


Theme: Welcome Back Sunday


Worship Leader: Pastor Marv

Speaker: Pastor Marv

Song Leader: Henry B

Scripture Reader: Allison H

Musician: Rayne D

Tech Team: Heather P, Gary G

Ushers: Paul A, Innocent M, Henry J

Counters: Helen D, Heather P



11:00am – Second Hour: Potluck Meal

Following our worship, everyone is invited to a potluck lunch downstairs.


What to Bring: 

·         Food to Share (Peanut Free, Sesame Free) for potluck lunch 

·         Your own dishes, cups, and cutlery

·         Please bring a serving dish and utensil for your potluck contribution. Label your dish with your name and be sure to collect it before leaving.

Coffee and water will be provided. We look forward to our time together over a shared meal.


Worship Preview



Worship Service

Second Hour

September 15

Fall Worship series begins:
To Hope and Act with Creation
#1 - Kinship

Upstairs: Special Meeting of the Membership

Downstairs: Sunday School begins for Children & Youth Meetup

September 22

To Hope and Act with Creation Series
#2 - Interdependence

Upstairs: Sharing faith story

Downstairs: Children’s Sunday School & Youth Meetup


Donations to the Church Budget


For ways to donate please visit www.valleyviewmc.ca/Give.


Donations received in August: $19,118

Monthly donations target:  $24,158





New and updated announcements are marked with purple font.


In and Around Valleyview


Second Hour this Fall

This Fall during Adult (upstairs) Second Hour we would like to focus one Sunday a month on individuals sharing highlights of their faith journey. 

If you would like to share, please contact Henry J: henryjonnalagadda439@gmail.com


The dates designated for sharing faith stories: September 22; October 27; November 24; and December 15.


One Sunday a month will be designated for Potluck – the Second Sunday of each month: September 8; October 13; November 10; December 8.


The remaining Sundays will be interspersed with Sermon discussions and Coffee hour.


With thanks,

Henry J and Pastor Marv – Second Hour coordinators



Reminder Notice:
Special Meeting of the Membership Notice – September 15
at 11:00am

We request the membership and participants of Valleyview Mennonite Church join us for a Special Meeting of the Membership during the Second Hour. At this meeting, the membership will approve the revised bylaws and resolutions, revise our previous decision on an auditor, and conduct other business. For more information, visit: https://www.valleyviewmc.ca/page/345?Item=410


In the Broader Community



HELP WANTED: Are you inspired by God’s Creation? Are you looking for ways to help care for it? 
The MCEC Creation Care Working Group is making plans for the coming year, and we’re looking for help! We have set three goals for this year:
1)     To host a book club related to creation care/environmental justice themes,
2)     To run a social media campaign highlighting what creation care looks like, and
3)     Creating an Earth Day worship resource for churches for April 2025. 
If you are passionate about 1 or all of the above initiatives, or if you would like to learn more about our working group and have ideas for how to support and engage MCEC congregations in the work of creation care, please reach out to Jay Reesor and Sara DeWeerd (co-chairs) at 



Silver Lake Mennonite Camp:

Silver Lake Mennonite Camp has extended their Executive Director application deadline into Fall 2024. The ideal candidate is an excellent communicator with strong financial management and people skills. Those interested can view the job description at slmc.ca. Please send your resume and cover letter to boardchair@slmc.ca.


SLMC Fall Retreats – Registration is open for Fall Retreats at Silver Lake Mennonite Camp, including Men’s Retreat (Sept. 13-15), Bruce Trail Hikes, and Work Weekend (Nov. 1-3). Register at slmc.ca/retreats.



For the latest news and volunteer opportunities, visit links below:


MCC (Mennonite Central Committee): mcccanada.ca

MCEC (Mennonite Church Eastern Canada): mcec.ca

MDS (Mennonite Disaster Service): mds.mennonite.net

August edition of On the Level:  https://conta.cc/3Av5ttD

MEDA (Mennonite Economic Development Associates): www.meda.org


Attendance Practices at Valleyview



Scent-Free Zone: Severe Scent Allergy

Valleyview is a scent-free zone as many participants have strong reactions to scented products. Please refrain from using all scented products: cologne, perfume, hairspray, hand and body lotion.

No Peanuts: Allergy Alert

Members in attendance experience a serious peanut allergy. Please refrain from bringing, eating, or serving any food labelled as containing peanuts or with warning “May contain peanuts”.

Masking Policy at Valleyview

Please wear a facemask if you feel more comfortable and remember to stay home if you are not feeling well.


