Bulletin for August 11, 2024

Bulletin for August 11, 2024

Weekly Update
August 11, 2024

Valleyview Mennonite Church


For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:11


Sunday August 11, 2024

10:00am – Worship at Valleyview


Theme: Anabaptist Common Practices #8 - Practicing Mutual Accountability, and faith testimony from Natalie J.


Worship Leader: Kristibeth K

Speaker: Pastor Marv

Song Leader: Henry B

Scripture Reader: Susan BP

Musician: Elenor T, Prelude: Cecilia D

Tech Team: Heather P, Tom P

Ushers: Henry J, Helen D,

Counters: Helen D, Erin W


Order of Service



Welcome & Land Acknowledgment

Call to Worship

Hymn: VT#417 - Seek Ye First
Hymn: VT831 - Blest Be the Tie That Binds (song of the month)

Scripture: Matthew 18: 15 - 17
Prayer of Confession

Children’s Time - ♫ Be Still and Know ♫

Message - Pastor Marv

Sharing Faith Journey - Natalie J
Hymn: VT#779 - You’re Not Alone

Prayer & Offering - ♫ Our Offering We Bring to You ♫
Community Sharing & Prayer
Hymn: VT#389 - Together



Second Hour:

11:00am to 11:30am: Immediately following the service, all are invited to the home of Don & Elenor T. Their home address and access details were emailed to our distribution list on July 7th. Parking is available on both sides of the street. Please leave the driveway for those with mobility challenges.


The baptism will take place in their backyard pool. We anticipate gathering to begin by around 11:30am.


12:00pm: Following the baptism, we will have a potluck lunch in the backyard. Everyone is welcome to stay following the meal. The pool is heated and available to swim. Parents must supervise their children in the pool.


What to Bring: 

·         Lawn Chairs

·         Food to Share (Peanut Free, Sesame Free) for potluck lunch 

·         Dishes, Cutlery, Water Bottles or Drink Cups (Water Refill Station is provided)

·         Please bring a serving dish and utensil for your potluck contribution. There are no extras available. Label your dish with your name and be sure to collect it before leaving.

In the event of rain, we will still have the baptism. Please bring umbrellas if rain is in the forecast. In the event of lightning and thunderstorms we will need to reschedule the baptisms.



Christian Formation & Children’s Sunday School will return in September.


This Week at Valleyview 


Staff Vacation Notice

Pastor Marv is in on vacation August 12-18, returning to the office Tues, August 20th.  For Pastoral Care concerns during this time, please contact a member of the Pastor Care Team at pct@valleyviewmc.ca




Wednesday, August 14:

7:30-8:30pm - Board Q&A Session on Zoom
Our second Q&A session about Valleyview's new By-laws, and Resolution & Operating Procedures for those who were unable to attend the first session. See the email sent from the Board Chair on August 8th for details and zoom link.


Next: Sunday August 18, 2024

10:00am – Worship at Valleyview


Theme: Anabaptist Common Practices #9 - Practicing Peacemaking


Worship Leader: Rachel C

Speaker: Esther Kern

Song Leader: Derek M

Scripture Reader: TBD

Musician: Rayne D

Tech Team: Heather P, Gary G

Ushers: Don T, Allison H, Helen D

Counters: Terry Z, Heather P


Worship Preview


· August 25: Worship Service: Anabaptist Common Practices #20 Practicing Mutual Aid

· September 1: In person worship only - no live stream: Worship Service: Anabaptist Common Practices #11 Telling the Truth


Donations to the Church Budget


For ways to donate please visit www.valleyviewmc.ca/Give


Donations received in August: $200

Monthly donations target:  $24,158

Total donations received Year-to-Date: $169,465
2024 Annual donations target: $289,897




New and updated announcements are marked with purple font.


In the Broader Community


Silver Lake Mennonite Camp is seeking a committed individual to serve as the new Executive Director, beginning Fall 2024. The ideal candidate is an excellent communicator with strong financial management and people skills. They will live and lead the camp's mission of fostering personal/spiritual growth, community, and environmental care. Those interested can view the job description at slmc.ca. Please send your resume and cover letter to boardchair@slmc.ca by August 20.


Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario (MHSO):

1) Saengerfest - August 25, 2024: 3:00pm
All are invited to a Saengerfest (Song Festival) at St. Matthews Lutheran Church, 54 Benton Street, Kitchener to commemorate the centenary of the 1920s Mennonite immigration to Ontario from settlements in present-day Russia and Ukraine. Song leader is Mark Diller Harder. For more details,
click here.

2) Montreal River Alternative Service Camp Historical Plaque to be installed!

The MHSO and the Ontario Heritage Trust will install a commemorative historical plaque at the site of the WW2 Alternative Service (Conscientious Objector) Camp at Montreal River, just north of Sault Ste Marie, Ontario.

All are invited to the official unveiling of the plaque on Thursday, September 26 at 4:00 pm at Conrad Grebel University College.  The next day, September 27, the MHSO has arranged for two buses to go from

Waterloo to Montreal River for the installation of the plaque on September 28.   Overnight accommodation has been reserved for bus participants for Friday, September 27 so they can take part in the Plaque installation the next day at the Montreal River site.  The buses will then return to Waterloo.

For further details, and to reserve a spot on this trip (accommodation deadline is August 27), click here.



For the latest news and volunteer opportunities, visit links below:


MCC (Mennonite Central Committee): mcccanada.ca

MCEC (Mennonite Church Eastern Canada): mcec.ca

MDS (Mennonite Disaster Service): mds.mennonite.net

· July edition of On the Level:  https://conta.cc/4bM51Em

MEDA (Mennonite Economic Development Associates): www.meda.org


   Attendance Practices at Valleyview


Scent-Free Zone: Severe Scent Allergy

Valleyview is a scent-free zone as many participants have strong reactions to scented products. Please refrain from using all scented products: cologne, perfume, hairspray, hand and body lotion.

No Peanuts: Allergy Alert

Members in attendance experience a serious peanut allergy. Please refrain from bringing, eating, or serving any food labelled as containing peanuts or with warning “May contain peanuts”.

Masking Policy at Valleyview

Please wear a facemask if you feel more comfortable and remember to stay home if you are not feeling well.

