Bulletin for June 16, 2024

Bulletin for June 16, 2024

Weekly Update
June 16, 2024

Valleyview Mennonite Church


For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:11



Worship Live Stream Link: Click here

viewing password is in your Weekly Update email, or contact the Church Office


Sunday June 16, 2024


10:00am - Worship & Live Stream at Valleyview


Baptism Service – Ilycene B and Jolica N will share stories from their faith journey.


Worship Leader: Rachel C

Speaker: Pastor Marv

Song Leader: Heidi W

Scripture Reader: Allison H

Pianists: Elenor T, Cecilia D (prelude, sending song)

Tech Team: Heather P, Dan H

Ushers: Tim F, Brian C, Don T

Counters: Helen D, John S


Order of Service



Call to Worship

Opening Prayer                     

Hymn: VT# 536 - I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (song of the month)

Prayer and Lighting the Peace Candle

Scripture Reading: Acts 2:36-41

Confession and Assurance

Children’s Time ♫ Be Still and Know ♫ 

Message: Repent and be Baptized - Pastor Marv

Sharing of Faith Stories: Ilycene and Jolica

Response: VT # 932

Hymn: VT #453 - As I Went Down to the River to Pray

Offering: ♫ Our Offerings We Bring to You ♫

Community Sharing and Prayer

Sending Hymn: VT# 830 - Go, My Children




11:00am to 11:30am: Immediately following the service, all are invited to the home of Deb and Gary G. 


The baptisms will take place in their backyard pool. We anticipate gathering to begin by around 11:30am.


Please leave parking spots on the driveway for those with mobility challenges. Parking is available on the street.


12:00pm: Following the baptism, we will have a potluck lunch in the backyard. For those with mobility challenges the back yard is accessible without any steps to navigate.


What to Bring: 

·         Lawn Chairs

·         Food to Share (Peanut Free, Sesame Free) for potluck lunch 

·         Dishes, Cutlery, Water Bottles or Drink Cups (Water Refill Station is provided)

·         Please bring a serving dish and utensil for your potluck contribution. There are no extras available. Label your dish with your name and be sure to collect it before leaving.

Afternoon swim: Deb and Gary have graciously offered their pool for swimming following the potluck lunch - with the clear understanding that parents are responsible for supervising their children in the pool.


In the event of rain, we will still have the baptism. Please bring umbrellas if rain is in the forecast. In the event of lightning and thunderstorms we will need to reschedule the baptisms.



Second Hour with Christian Formation & Children’s Sunday School will return in September.


This Week at Valleyview 




Wednesday, June 19:

12noon - Seniors Group Picnic at Springbank Park

Please see the “In and Around Valleyview” Announcements section for all the event details.


7:30pm - Church Council Meeting (off-site)




Next Youth Gathering: Friday July 5th, evening  

Our next youth event will be a pool party and BBQ at David & Allison H’s house. We will send out a reminder and more details by email closer to the date. Please RSVP by July 3rd.


Next: Sunday June 23, 2024


10:00am - Worship & Live Stream at Valleyview


Worship Leader: Maggie P

Speaker: Pastor Marv

Song Leader: Derek M

Scripture Reader: Evan B

Pianist: Rayne D

Tech Team: Heather P, Tom P

Ushers: Ben R, Paul W, Lynne W

Counters: Terry Z, Evan B



Second Hour with Christian Formation & Children’s Sunday School will return in September.


Worship Preview

During our worship services this summer, we will be focusing on different Anabaptist Common Practices.  These practices or characteristics of Anabaptist communities are explored in Stuart Murray's latest book, The New Anabaptists.  This new book is a companion to Murray's The Naked Anabaptist: The Bare Essentials of a Radical Faith, which focused on the core convictions of Anabaptist faith.  

Join us for summer worship as we explore these common Anabaptist practices and the thought-provoking questions and discussions which they may raise about our lives today.


¨June 23:  Worship Service:  Anabaptist Common Practices #2 Living Simply, and honouring National Indigenous Peoples Day.  Wearing of orange shirts is encouraged. 

¨June 30:  Holiday weekend - NO worship service at Valleyview


¨July 7:  Worship Service: Anabaptist Common Practices #3 Multi-voiced Worship & Biblical Interpretation

¨July 14:  Worship Service and communion:  Anabaptist Common Practices #5 Communion as a Peace Meal

¨July 21:  Worship Service: Anabaptist Common Practices #6 Non-hierarchical Leadership, David Friesen-Waldner speaking

¨July 28: Worship Service: Anabaptist Common Practices #7 Consensual Decision-making


¨August 4:  Holiday weekend - NO worship service at Valleyview

¨August 11: Worship Service: Anabaptist Common Practices #8 Practicing Mutual Accountability, and faith testimony from Natalie J. 

Second Hour:  Baptism of Natalie, gathering at home of Elenor & Don T. 

¨August 18: Worship Service: Anabaptist Common Practices #9 Practicing Peacemaking

¨August 25: Worship Service: Anabaptist Common Practices #20 Practicing Mutual Aid

¨September 2: In person worship only - no live stream

Worship Service: Anabaptist Common Practices #11 Telling the Truth


Donations to the Church Budget

For ways to donate please visit www.valleyviewmc.ca/Give


Total Donations received in June: $8,996

Monthly donations target:  $24,158

Total donations received Year-to-Date: $128,744
2024 Annual donations target: $289,897




New and updated announcements are marked with purple font.


In and Around Valleyview


Summer Picnics - Seniors Group Gatherings

We are planning for and looking forward to several summer picnics again this summer.

LocationSpringbank Park, West Entrance off Commissioners Rd.

                 You will be met at the entrance to the parking lot and advised of the specific picnic location.

Bring:      Your own lunch

                 Lawn chair

Dates:      Wed. June 19

                 Wed. July 17

                 Wed.  August 21

                 Wed.  September 18

Time:        All picnics begin at 12noon.


Eleanor G. and Carol D. 



June - August: LUSO Food Drive

Valleyview will be helping LUSO restock some food and hygiene items for their emergency food cupboard. The donations will be given directly to families/individuals in need and will help get us through the summer months.

Where to drop off:

Please bring your non-perishable food & hygiene items for donation to Valleyview. Place in the large black bins provided in the upstairs foyer, by the Church Office doors.


In the Broader Community


Community Board at Valleyview:

There are many needs for volunteering and community involvement in London to aid locals, newcomers, adults and children. On our Community Board in the upper foyer at Valleyview, we regularly post opportunities that are brought to us by organizations. Please have a look. 

Some recent highlighted needs: 

- The Children’s Aid Society of London is in crisis need for more foster parent homes to serve children of all ages from newborn to age 18. An information session for those interested in learning more will be held on June 26th. Adults of any age can foster, from younger adults to seniors who are retired and have flexible schedules. People who can offer anything from respite care for a couple of days at a time, to providing full-time care to children. Support, training opportunities, and guaranteed financial compensation are provided. (Posted: June 12, 2024)


-Cross Cultural Learners Centre (CCLC) is seeking volunteers for their Canada Connects initiative, to help newcomers settle in the London community. Be matched to a newcomer individual or family in your local community for 6 months, meeting weekly for an hour or two to aid with mentoring language learning, educating about Canadian culture, Reading and writing by mail/email, Navigating the city, Job Searching, peer introductions and more… (Posted: June 11, 2024)



Mennonite Church Canada Annual General Meeting
Saturday, June 22, 12:00-1:30 p.m. Central time
Online - Zoom
Join our nationwide community of faith for Mennonite Church Canada's Annual General Meeting.
Register - Agenda, information packet, audited financial statements will be sent to registrants.



MCEC: PIN Working Group

Between the River and the Sea: A Lunch and Learn Conversation

with Jeff Halper
June 25, 2024, 12-1 p.m., Community Room, 50 Kent Ave., Kitchener

Join the MCEC Palestine Israel Network Working Group as they welcome Jeff Halper, an Israeli anthropologist working to address injustice against Palestinian people. Jeff will speak for 30 minutes, leaving time for discussion.

More Information



Saengerfest: A centenary Mennonite Song Festival | August 25, 2024, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM, St. Matthews Lutheran Church, Kitchener. | Come together in song to commemorate the centenary of the 1920s Mennonite immigration from colonies in what would be today’s southern Ukraine to Waterloo Region. Admission by donation, with excess being collected for the with proceeds going to MCC Russlaender Remembrance Fund programming. uwaterloo.ca/grebel/events/saengerfest



Sunday, July 7, 3:30pm  Oasis Chorale present a concert of a cappella choral music, ‘Radiant Dawn’ at St Jacobs Mennonite Church (1310 King St N, St Jacobs). Oasis Chorale is a 40 voice Anabaptist touring choir – www.oasischorale.org. Free will offering.  Click Here to view the concert poster.



For the latest news and volunteer opportunities, visit links below:


MCC (Mennonite Central Committee): mcccanada.ca

MCEC (Mennonite Church Eastern Canada): mcec.ca

MDS (Mennonite Disaster Service): mds.mennonite.net

-May edition of On the Level: https://conta.cc/3QMg8p5

MEDA (Mennonite Economic Development Associates): www.meda.org


       Attendance Practices at Valleyview


Masking Policy at Valleyview

Please wear a facemask if you feel more comfortable and remember to stay home if you are not feeling well.

Scent-Free Zone: Severe Scent Allergy

Valleyview is a scent-free zone as many participants have strong reactions to scented products. Please refrain from using all scented products: cologne, perfume, hairspray, hand and body lotion.

No Peanuts: Allergy Alert

Members in attendance experience a serious peanut allergy. Please refrain from bringing, eating, or serving any food labelled as containing peanuts or with warning “May contain peanuts”.

