Bulletin for March 3, 2024

Bulletin for March 3, 2024

Weekly Update
March 3, 2024

Valleyview Mennonite Church


For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:11


Worship & Second Hour Live Stream Link: Click here

Video viewing password is in your Weekly Update email, or contact the Church Office.


Sunday March 3, 2024


10:00am – Worship & Live Stream at Valleyview


March 3 - Lent 3:  Christ among us, Showing us Justice


Worship Leader: Maggie P

Speaker: Pastor Marv

Song Leader: Henry B

Scripture Reader: Mary Faye St. L

Pianist: Rayne D

Tech Team: Heather P, John S

Ushers: Brian C, Innocent M, Henry J

Counters: Ken D, Evan B


Order of Service



Candle lighting for Peace

Hymn:  VT#80 - We Sing to You oh God   

Call to Worship - based on Psalm 19

Prayer of Confession


Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17

Children’s Time: The Positive 10 Commandments

Hymn: VT#309 - Fill Us with Your Feast  (Hymn of the Month)  

Message: “The 10 Commandments: God pursues us with words of love” – Pastor Marv


Community Prayer

Hymn: VT#393 - Build Your Kingdom Here     



11:00am – Second Hour

Upstairs:  Listening Sessions 2” - Voices from Palestine. Derek M will host interviews with guests reflecting on the present humanitarian crisis in Palestine/Israel.
Coffee Host:  Helen D


Lower Level: Youth Meetup, and Children/Junior Youth Sunday School Classes

Snack Host: Elizabeth A

Children & Junior Youth (JK-Gr 4): Jess A & Dan H

Junior Youth (Gr. 5-7): Lanette FW

Youth Meetup (Gr 8-12):  Sarah D/Jacob M


This Week at Valleyview 




Thursday, March 7th   

7:00pm – Male Chorus Rehearsal at Valleyview (Upstairs)


7:00pm to 8:00pm – Faith Exploration Group (Online)




Sunday March 31st – Easter Breakfast at Valleyview, before Worship: 8:30 - 9:30 am.


May 25, 2024 – Valleyview Male Chorus Spring Concert in the evening, at First Baptist Church, 568 Richmond Street, London. More details later.  


Next: Sunday March 10, 2024


10:00am – Worship & Live Stream at Valleyview


March 10 - Lent 4:  Christ among us, the Way of Mercy


Worship Leader: Maggie P

Speaker: Pastor Marv

Song Leader: Henry B

Scripture Reader: Allison H

Pianist: Krisanne N

Tech Team: Heather P, Tom P

Ushers: Don T, Allison H, Helen D

Counters: Brian C, David H


No Second Hour


Worship Preview


For the Sundays during Lent through Easter, our worship services will focus on Covenants using the resources provided in the Leader magazine. These covenants begin with God, but so often humanity fails to follow them. Yet God's mercy and grace remain to remind us of who we are as followers of Christ.


March 3 - Lent 3:  Christ among us, Showing us Justice

March 10 - Lent 4:  Christ among us, the Way of Mercy

March 17 - The Intercultural Church: Guest speaker Fanosie Legesse, MCEC Intercultural Mission Minister

March 24 - Lent 6, Palm Sunday: Christ among us, the Way of a Servant (special music provided by small choir)

March 29 - Good Friday: The Passion of Christ (Communion service)

March 31 - Easter Sunday: Christ among us! Join an Easter Breakfast before Worship 8:30-9:30am.


Announcements: In and Around Valleyview


New and updated announcements are marked with purple font.



Small Choir Invite: Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday, March 24, we invite you to participate in a choir during our worship service.  The choir will be singing two selections - an anthem and a new hymn from Voices Together.  Henry B will be leading the choir and will send out the music at the beginning of March.  Singers will learn the music at home and then come for one rehearsal on Palm Sunday morning at 9 am.

If you would like to join the choir, please send a message to Andrea S: andreastreufert@gmail.com



Preparing for discussion on Intercultural Church - Sunday, March 17

We will be welcoming Fanosie Legesse, our Mennonite Church Eastern Canada Intercultural Mission Minister on Sunday, March 17. In preparation I invite you to read this recent article as printed in the Canadian Mennonite magazine: https://canadianmennonite.org/stories/thoughts-our-unfinished-journey


Blessings and may God's Spirit enlighten us as we think about what this vision might look like at Valleyview,



Donations to the Church Budget


For ways to donate please visit www.valleyviewmc.ca/Give


Total donations received Year-to-Date: $46,257 (16% of annual budget)

Monthly donations target:  $24,158


Announcements: In the Broader Community


Conrad Grebel University College

Grebel and University of Waterloo March Break Open House | Saturday, March 23, 10 AM – 5 PM. Planning to study at the University of Waterloo? Tour the university and see what it would be like to live on campus in a small, Christian residence at Conrad Grebel University College while studying at Waterloo. Meet current students, learn about academic programs, and explore the residence. Free parking. All are welcome. Visit grebel.ca/events for more information.


Ontario Mennonite Music Camp is a place where youth in grade 6-12 develop and enrich relationships, faith, musicality, and leadership in a fun and supportive summer camp environment. Hosted at Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo, August 11 to 23, 2024. Register by April 12 for early-bird camp fees. uwaterloo.ca/grebel/ommc 



For the latest news and volunteer opportunities, visit links below:


Mennonite Central Committee (MCC): mcccanada.ca

Mennonite Church Eastern Canada (MCEC): mcec.ca

Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS): mds.mennonite.net

·   The February edition of On the Level is now available. Click here: https://conta.cc/4bIyn7L

Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA): www.meda.org


       Attendance Practices at Valleyview


Masking Policy at Valleyview

Please continue to wear a facemask if you feel more comfortable and remember to stay home if you are not feeling well. 

Scent-Free Zone: Severe Scent Allergy

Valleyview is a scent-free zone as many participants have strong reactions to scented products. Please refrain from using all scented products: cologne, perfume, hairspray, hand and body lotion.

No Peanuts: Allergy Alert

Members in attendance experience a serious peanut allergy. Please refrain from bringing, eating, or serving any food labelled as containing peanuts or with warning “May contain peanuts”.


