Bulletin for Jun 11, 2023

Bulletin for Jun 11, 2023

Weekly Update from Valleyview Mennonite Church


For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 3:11


If you have a Joy or Concern that you would like to bring forward to the congregation on Sunday, please email Pastor Marv at marv@valleyviewmc.ca.


Zoom details & Viewing Passwords are in your Weekly Update email, or contact the Church Office 

Worship Hour Live Stream :  https://www.valleyviewmc.ca/watch/


11:00am – Home viewers fellowship Zoom 

Valleyview website registered members, click here Watch > Virtual Participants Fellowship


Wednesday, June 14: Evening Zoom Conversation – 7:00pm 

*see Weekly Update email


New and updated announcements are marked with purple font.


Sunday June 11, 2023

10:00am Worship


10:00am – Worship at Valleyview

Worship Leader: Lynne W                           Reader: Scripture Story & Congregation Response

Speaker: David Friesen Waldner               Tech Team: John S, Heather P

Song Leader: Maggie P                              Ushers: Allison H, Helen D

Pianist: Rayne D                                           Counters: Ben R, Deb G


Baby Dedication Service – Levi M


Order of Service



Call to worship



Hymns: VT#49 - All Who Are Thirsty

            VT#177 - All things Bright and Beautiful

Dedication of Levi M – Pastor Marv

Hymn: VT#508 - Child of Blessing, Child of Promise

Children’s Story: Uri and the Busy Day, by Lucy Bell

Scripture Story:  The Big Wave, Mark 4: 35 - 41

Sermon:  Overwhelmed – David Friesen Waldner

Sermon Response: Ephesians 3:14 -20 (read by all)

Hymn: VT#42 - Could it be that God is Singing (verses 1 & 2)

Pastoral Prayer


            Offering Prayer

Closing Hymn: VT#42 - Could it be that God is Singing (verse 3)



11:00am – Fellowship Time


Second Hour & Children/Youth Sunday School will return September 10th


This Week at Valleyview


Tue. Jun 13

7:00 pm

Board Meeting (Online)

Wed. Jun 14


Church Office Closed
MCEC Administrator’s Day

7:00 pm

Weekly Zoom Conversation

Informal time for fellowship online. Zoom Link in “Weekly Worship 7 Meeting Links” section 


Next: Sunday June 18, 2023

10:00am Worship


10:00am – Worship at Valleyview

Worship Leader: Kristibeth K                       Reader: Susan BP

Speaker: Pastor Marv                                  Tech Team: Tom P, Heather P

Song Leader: Henry B                                  Ushers: Tim F, Paul A

Pianist: Rayne D                                            Counters: Helen D, Erin WP


11:00am – Fellowship Time


Worship Schedule Preview


Seeking Peace Together: Summer 2023 Worship Series

Our summer worship series is entitled "
Seeking Peace Together". Seeking, believing, trusting and praying all bring us peace with God and within ourselves. Peacemakers forgive and walk away from conflict to make peace with others; they join God in caring for and celebrating the earth to make peace with creation. Join us this summer as we seek peace as a congregation, both in our church and together out in nature.


As in the past few years, we will be canceling worship services on long weekends and adding outdoor services to our worship schedule. In case of rain, we will move to the Zoom format. Church renovations will be taking place during the first half of August. Please note that the park services will not have tech team support or livestreaming to allow a break for these individuals.


Springbank Park Location:

Enter Springbank park from the west end, across from Shopper’s Drug Mart. An Usher will be waiting near the parking lot to point you to the gathering site. If using a park map, we will aim to gather near picnic sites M or L for each service.



July 2:    NO SERVICE - Holiday Weekend

July 9:    Service at Valleyview

July 16:  Outdoor service - SPRINGBANK PARK

July 23:  Service at Valleyview

July 30:  Outdoor service - SPRINGBANK PARK



August 6:    NO SERVICE - Holiday Weekend

August 13:  Outdoor service - SPRINGBANK PARK

August 20:  Service at Valleyview

August 27:  Service at Valleyview



September 3:    NO SERVICE - Holiday Weekend          

September 10:  Fall services begin at Valleyview


In and Around Valleyview


Youth Monthly Gathering – June 23, 6-9pm

We are hoping to have one more youth night before school finishes.  David and Allison will be hosting. The plan is to play an escape room game and have a BBQ.  If the weather is nice, there will also be the opportunity to jump in their pool!  Bring a bathing suit & towel.


Check your youth email for location details & please let us know if you can make it!  Hope to see everyone there!

-Maria and Jacques, David and Allison and Sarah



New! Seasonal Landscaper:

The Board is proud to announce that we have hired Valleyview member Helmut W, in a part-time capacity as Seasonal Landscaper. Helmut will look after our flower beds, trees and general beautification of the exterior grounds and building.


Donations to the Church Budget

For ways to donate please visit www.valleyviewmc.ca/Give


Total donations received in June: $2,926
Monthly donations target:  $23,100


In the Broader Community


MC Canda & PIN: “Come and See” Holy Land Pilgrimage 2024
Mennonite Church Canada
and itsPalestine-Israel Network(PIN) is sponsoring atournext spring, May 11 to 26. Along with visits tokeybiblical sites, it will introduce participants to the “living stones”—thePalestinianchurches and people ofthe Galilee, the West Bank, and Jerusalem. Itwillconclude withattendance at the biennial Christ at the Checkpoint Conference in Bethlehem.Tour sizeislimited to 18, so early reservations are encouraged. Click here for details and application information.



MC Canada Annual General Meeting – June 24
You are invited to participate via Zoom on Saturday, June 24, 1:00-2:30pm EDT. Voting delegates are restricted to the Joint Council but you are welcome to observe the proceedings. 
Sign up to learn how we as a nationwide community of faith are impacting our regions, nation and the world.




MCC: Crisis in East Africa – Your donation will be matched
In East Africa, extreme hunger is a growing threat. Conflict, climate change and economic shocks are driving hunger to increasingly high levels. MCC is responding in countries like Ethiopia, South Sudan, DR Congo and Kenya.
Donate to food projects today and you can double your impact. Donations made by individual Canadians until June 30 are eligible to be matched by the Government of Canada, up to $5.



Silver Lake Mennonite Camp

Kitchener Day Camps – Join the fun at one of SLMC’s Kitchener day camps! Our program runs throughout July and August, giving campers ages 5-12 the opportunity to participate in crafts, nature, games, initiatives, and all the classic activities they experience at Silver Lake. Visit slmc.ca/summer-camp for registration and more info on times and locations!

Overnight Camp – There are still spots available for Silver Lake’s overnight camps and outtrips. Go to slmc.ca/summer-camp to see what’s available.

Stay Connected – Follow SLMC on Instagram (@silverlakemennonite) and Facebook to stay up to date on what’s happening at camp and see recent photos!



Indwell: Spring 2023 News
The Indwell Spring Newsletter 2023 is available on the magazine resources rack at Valleyview (upper lobby). For the latest on Indwell news & events around London, visit:



For the latest news and volunteer opportunities, visit links below:

·         Mennonite Central Committee (MCC): mcccanada.ca

·         Mennonite Church Eastern Canada (MCEC): mcec.ca

·         Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS): mds.mennonite.net

The May edition of On the Level is now available from Mennonite Disaster Service. In our current issue: learn about the need for volunteers in Cape Breton and read the hope-filled stories of disaster survivors in that area; plus we share some of the joys and challenges of cooking for an MDS crew.

Click on this link to read more: https://conta.cc/3Mbek64

·         Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA): www.meda.org


Attendance Practices at Valleyview


Masking Policy at Valleyview

Please continue to wear a facemask if you feel more comfortable and remember to stay home if you are not feeling well. 

Scent-Free Zone: Severe Scent Allergy

Valleyview is a scent-free zone as many participants have strong reactions to scented products. Please refrain from using all scented products: cologne, perfume, hairspray, hand and body lotion.

No Peanuts: Allergy Alert

Members in attendance experience a serious peanut allergy. Please refrain from bringing, eating, or serving any food labelled as containing peanuts or with warning “May contain peanuts”.
