Bulletin for May 14, 2023

Bulletin for May 14, 2023

Weekly Update from Valleyview Mennonite Church


For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 3:11


If you have a Joy or Concern that you would like to bring forward to the congregation on Sunday, please email Pastor Marv at marv@valleyviewmc.ca.



Worship Hour Live Stream  *Refer to Weekly Update email for password, or contact the Church Office*
WATCH HERE:  https://www.valleyviewmc.ca/watch/


11:00am – Home viewers fellowship time (Zoom Meeting) *Refer to Weekly Update email for password, or contact the Church Office*

Valleyview website registered members, click here Watch > Virtual Participants Fellowship


Wednesday, May 17: Evening Zoom Conversation – 7:00pm *Refer to Weekly Update email, or contact the Church Office*


New and updated announcements are marked with purple font.


Attendance practices are stated in detail at the end of the Weekly Update.


Sunday May 14, 2023

10:00am Worship: In-Person & Livestream


10:00am – Worship at Valleyview


Worship Leader: Shelley K

Speaker: Pastor Marv

Song Leader: Derek M

Pianist: Elenor T

Reader: Jenn E

Tech Team: Heather P

Ushers: Brian C, Allison H, Henry J, Innocent M

Counters: John S, Alvin M

Coffee Host: David H


Order of Service


Call to Worship

Hymn: SJ# 9 - Come, Now is the Time to Worship


Scripture: John 14:15-21


Hymn: VT# 570 - When We Walk With the Lord

Children’s story


Singing: Our offerings we bring to you

Message: ”Obedience Rooted in Love”  - Pastor Marv

Hymn: Be Renewed in the Spirit of Your Mind (blue duotang # 27)

Congregational sharing/prayer

Hymn: VT# 545 - Here I am, Lord



11:00am – Second Hour
Fellowship Time



No Children’s Sunday School Snack & Class Today – Next class May 28
*Junior Youth & Youth classes will have shortened sessions today.
Junior Youth (Gr 5-7):
Meet led by Lanette FW

Youth Meet:  Journeying through the Bible series with Pastor Marv (2nd last class)


This Week at Valleyview


Sat. May 13


Annual Business Meeting of the Congregation – at Valleyview & on Zoom




BY PROFESSOR MICHAEL LYNK – Presentation at Valleyview

Tues. May 16


Board Meeting (Online)

Wed. May 17

9:30 am -11:30 am

EarlyON Busy Bodies Drop-In Playgroup
ages 0-6 years (Basement)



Wednesday Evening Zoom Conversation

Thurs. May 18

7:00 pm

Valleyview Male Chorus Rehearsal (Upstairs)


Next: Sunday May 21, 2023

10:00am Worship: In-Person & Livestream


10:00am – Worship at Valleyview


Worship Leader: Lynne W

Speaker: Pastor Marv

Song Leader: Henry B

Pianist: Rayne D

Reader: Elma F

Tech Team: Tom P, Heather P

Ushers: Don T, David H, Tim F

Counters: Kate Ct, Alvin M


11:00am – No Second Hour Or Children’s/Youth Sunday School – Holiday Weekend


Worship Schedule Preview


Sunday, May 14 - Speaker: Pastor Marv

Second Hour: Fellowship Hour


Sunday, May 21Speaker: Pastor Marv

No Second Hour or Children’s Sunday School (Holiday Weekend)


Sunday, May 28 – Pentecost – Speaker: Pastor Marv

Second Hour: Fellowship Hour


Sunday, June 4 – Fanshawe Park Worship Service & Picnic Lunch


In and Around Valleyview


Annual Business Meeting – May 13:

The Annual Business Meeting of the Congregation is Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 10:00 am, in-person and on Zoom. Refer to the congregation email sent Saturday, April 29th for the ABM Notice & Proxy form, Meeting Agenda, Report Booklet, 2023-24 Nominating Slate of Volunteers, as well as the Zoom meeting link. Or visit the Resources tab at www.valleyviewmc.ca  



May 13, 2023 - 7:00-9:00 PM at Valleyview Mennonite Church


Sponsored by “The Palestine Israel Network” under Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, 
Valleyview Mennonite Church. 

Focus questions:

What International Laws apply to this situation?

What is apartheid?

What is Canada’s role in resolving issues between Palestine & Israel?


A livestream will be available at www.valleyviewmc.ca in the “Watch” section.



Save the Date: Sunday June 4th – Fanshawe Picnic – Lunch Team volunteers needed!

Save the Date for our annual worship & picnic at Fanshawe’s Watson Porter Pavilion on Sunday June 4th!  We are happy to announce the return of a potluck lunch for this event.


Currently, we are seeking a small volunteer Lunch Team to coordinate the purchase of some supplies (napkins, juice, etc), preparation & setup, and cleanup.  Please contact Heather, in the church office if you are interested.


More details to be announced in May.


Donations to the Church Budge

For ways to donate please visit www.valleyviewmc.ca/Give


Total donations received in May:  $2,778
Monthly donations target:  $23,100


In the Broader Community


MCC: Climate Action for Peace - Launch Event
Wednesday, May 17 at 7:30 pm, online
Climate change is making difficult situations even worse, creating resource scarcity and heightening tensions in areas suffering from the negative impacts of climate change. Join us to learn about how people around the world, with the help of MCC’s partners, are taking action to respond to the impacts of climate change and how you can get involved. Go to 
mcco.ca/events to register.




More than just delicious food and a quilt auction, the New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale is a chance to connect with community and support MCC. Join the fun at the 57th annual New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale on Friday, May 26 and Saturday, May 27. For more information, go to nhmrs.com.



Hidden Acres Camp:

On June 30-July2 Hidden Acres is hosting our annual Family Camping Weekend! Bring your family to enjoy the outdoors, go swimming, canoeing and climbing on our outdoor climbing tower. Contact the camp to reserve a cabin space at info@hiddenacres.ca. First come, first served for camping spots. More information can be found on our website at www.hiddenacres.ca

See you there!



For the latest news and volunteer opportunities, visit links below:

·         Mennonite Central Committee (MCC): mcccanada.ca.

·         Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS): mds.mennonite.net.

o    The April edition of On the Level is now available from Mennonite Disaster Service. Click here to read more:  https://conta.cc/3KOPMyU

·         Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA): www.meda.org.


Attendance Practices at Valleyview


Masking Policy at Valleyview

The Board and the COVID-19 Task Force have removed our masking mandate. This decision was made in recognition of the changing nature of the COVID virus infections, spring/summer weather approaching, social trends, and existing high ceilings in the sanctuary.  We have consulted pastor Marv, several senior members, and some clinicians in our congregation who are all in support of this decision.  


Please continue to wear a mask if you feel more comfortable and remember to stay home if you are not feeling well. 

Scent-Free Zone: Severe Scent Allergy

Valleyview is a scent-free zone as many participants have strong reactions to scented products. Please refrain from using all scented products: cologne, perfume, hairspray, hand and body lotion.


No Peanuts: Allergy Alert

Members in attendance experience anaphylactic (severe) response to peanut allergy. Please refrain from bringing and eating or serving any food labelled as containing peanuts or warning “May contain peanuts”.
