Bulletin for Feb 19, 2023

Bulletin for Feb 19, 2023

Weekly Update from Valleyview Mennonite Church


For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 3:11


If you have a Joy or Concern that you would like to bring forward to the congregation on Sunday, please email Pastor Marv at marv@valleyviewmc.ca.




Worship Live Stream
WATCH HERE:  https://www.valleyviewmc.ca/watch/

Video password: vmcworship


11:00am – Home viewers fellowship time (Zoom)

Valleyview website registered members, click here Watch > Virtual Participants Fellowship

New and updated announcements are marked with purple font.


Preparing for Sunday Attendance


Attendance practices are stated in detail at the end of the Weekly Update.

Sunday February 19, 2023

10:00am Worship: In-Person & Livestream

Fifth Sunday in Galations Series: Galations 6

A final appeal – do good to all people. What might that look like?

Worship Leader: David J

Speaker: Ruth A. Martin

Song Leader: Maggie P

Pianist: Elenor T

Reader: Allison H

Tech Team: Dan H, Heather P

Ushers: Ben R, Paul A, Helen D

Counters: Alvin M, Kate CT


Order of Service



Call to Worship

Song: VT#5 - All People That On Earth Do Dwell


Children’s time

Scripture reading: Galatians 6

Song: VT#527 - Bless the Arms That Comfort

Message: Ruth A Martin

Song:  Old Rugged Cross

Prayer of Response

Offering: “Our offerings we bring to you.”

Congregational Sharing & Prayer

Closing hymn: VT#849 - We, Your People, Sing Your Praises




11:00am – No Second Hour this week (Family Day Holiday Weekend)


This Week at Valleyview


Tuesday, February 21: The Church Office is closed in observance of the Family Day holiday weekend.


Wed. Feb 15

9:30 am -11:30 am

EarlyON Busy Bodies Drop-In Playgroup
ages 0-6 years (Basement)

9:30 am – 2:00 pm

Welcome Wednesday  
Valleyview serves the Community meal at Rowntree United Church the fourth Wednesday of each month, except in December, July and August. Contact Doris K to volunteer. 

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

LUSO Community Meal (Basement)
A LUSO hosted meal & activity night for neighbourhood families in partnership with Valleyview volunteers.

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Wednesday Evening Zoom Conversation 
The zoom meeting link is in the Weekly Update email, or contact the church office.  

Thurs. Feb 16

7:00 pm

Valleyview Male Chorus Rehearsal (Upstairs)


Next Sunday February 26, 2023

10:00am Worship: In-Person & Livestream

Lent Begins: Shaped by Testing

Worship Leader: Jacques P

Speaker: Pastor Marv

Song Leader: Donelda F

Pianist: Elenor T

Reader: Susan BP

Tech Team: Gary G, Heather P

Ushers: Brian C, Allison H, Helen D

Counters: Ben R, Deb G

Coffee Host: David H


11:00am - Second Hour (In-Person & Livestream)

Adult Christian Formation upstairs:
>Coffee Hour
Esther K reflecting on her experience in Cuba. *Will be Livestreamed*

Children/Youth Christian Formation downstairs
>Junior Sunday School: Snack & Class downstairs
>Junior Youth:
Teacher: Lanette FW (Gr. 5-7, will meet every other Sunday.)

>Youth Meet: Join Adult Second Hour to hear Esther K’s reflecting on Cuba.


Worship Schedule Preview


February 26 – Lent begins: Shaped by Testing
Second Hour: Esther K reflecting on her experience in Cuba.


March 5 – Lent: Shaped by New Birth
Second Hour: Fellowship Hour.


March 12 – Lent: Shaped Through Thirst
Second Hour: Victor G and Sandra M sharing about Colombia.


March 19 – Lent: Called to the Light
Second Hour: Rev. Pam Cullen, London Community Chaplaincy.


March 26 – Lent: Called to Life
Second Hour: Russ S – Faithful Investing.


In and Around Valleyview


Youth Monthly Gathering – Feb 24:

We are planning another youth night at Jacques & Maria’s house.  This time we plan to have supper and play games. If anyone has a favourite group game they want to bring, please feel free. 

Where: Jacques & Maria’s house

Date: Friday, Feb. 24, 5:30-8:30

What: Supper and Games

We hope you can all make it!  Please refer to your Youth email for the address, and to let us know you are coming and any food restrictions. 

Looking forward to seeing you!

Maria and Jacques, David and Allison, and Sarah



The Pastor-Congregation Relations Committee (PCRC) wants to reach out to let you know that after a few years of not having a PCRC, we are here again and functioning behind the scenes, working with Marv.  We want you to know that we are here for you too - the congregation, as we feel it is very important to keep the lines of communication open.  

So please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of us if there is anything you would like to talk about.  

Andrea S, Ruth M, Terry Z



Save The Date: The Great Winter Warm Up - Saturday February 25th
We are having an intergenerational event at Valleyview featuring comforter knot tying. The comforter will go to MCEC, to provide the gift of warmth around the world. 


The event will take place from 10 am until noon. All are invited to drop by, socialize, and tie knots in the comforter. If you are not comfortable tying a knot yourself, you can offer morale support or supervise a child who would like to participate. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate and cookies will be available.


Story time and outdoor activities have been planned for Sunday School families. Families with children are invited to join the event for the full 2 hours. Others without young families can drop in anytime between 10 am and noon (or stay for the full time).


Donations to the Church Budget

For ways to donate please visit https://www.valleyviewmc.ca/Give


15% of 2023 Budget received to-date:



Total donations received in February:  $15,158
Monthly donations target:  $24,504


To register or adjust your pledge toward our 2023 Budget, please click here.


In the Broader Community






Türkiye and Syria Earthquake Response

MCC is accepting donations to support people affected by the Feb. 6 earthquake in Türkiye and Syria. MCC is working with long-term partners in Aleppo and surrounding areas to provide emergency food, shelter, hygiene, sanitation supplies and trauma counselling. In a country already vulnerable from years of conflict, this was a devastating blow. You can share God’s love and compassion with our global neighbours by providing a gift online at mcccanada.ca/earthquake, by calling 888-622-6337 or by sending a cheque marked for “Syria and Türkiye earthquake” to 203-50 Kent Ave., Kitchener, ON, N2G 3R1.





Piecing together the allyship puzzle

February 22, 2023 - 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Join MCC for part two of the Watershed Moment webinar series. This webinar will discuss walking with communities and supporting First Nations' efforts to obtain access to safe drinking water. The webinar is part of a series of educational opportunities that MCC and partners are hosting to discuss the spiritual and cultural importance of water and the necessity of access to clean, safe water. Throughout the series, we'll explore what it means to listen, learn and connect with water, as well as with one another. Register online at mcco.ca/events.



For the latest news and volunteer opportunities, visit links below:

·         Mennonite Central Committee (MCC): mcccanada.ca.

·         Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS): mds.mennonite.net.

o    The February edition of On the Level is now available. In our current issue: read about the MDS Annual Celebration in Lancaster, PA; learn about the need for volunteers in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia; and a volunteer writes about the transformative experience during her time at Monte Lake, BC. Click on this link to read more: https://conta.cc/3XwQkxM

·         Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA): www.meda.org.


Attendance Practices at Valleyview


Masking Policy at Valleyview

Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health strongly recommends that Ontarians wear masks in all indoor public settings. Our Valleyview COVID-19 task force encourages everyone to:

·         Wear masks for worship services and large gatherings

·         Get the COVID-19 vaccines and influenza vaccine (flu shot)

·         Stay home if feeling unwell

Extra single-use masks are available at the entry doors on Sunday in case of forgetting to bring one.


We hope these recommendations help to ensure everyone feels comfortable and safe at Valleyview. Thanks for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our COVID-19 task force committee members: Don, Greg, Erin, and Heather.

Scent-Free Zone: Severe Scent Allergy

Valleyview is a scent-free zone as many participants have strong reactions to scented products. Please refrain from using all scented products: cologne, perfume, hairspray, hand and body lotion.
