Weekly Update from Valleyview Mennonite
For no one can lay any foundation other
than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
Corinthians 3:11
If you have a Joy or Concern that you would
like to bring forward to the congregation on Sunday, please email Pastor Marv
at marv@valleyviewmc.ca.
Worship & Second Hour Live Stream
WATCH HERE: https://www.valleyviewmc.ca/watch/
Video password: vmcworship
New and updated announcements are marked with
purple font.
Sunday February 12, 2023
10:00am Worship: In-Person &
Fourth Sunday in Galations Series: Galations 5
We are called to be free – but what does freedom in
Christ look like? Paul reminds us of the “fruits of the Spirt.”
Worship Leader: Donelda F
Speaker: Pastor Marv
Song Leader: Henry P
Pianist: Krisanne N
Reader: Kristibeth K
Tech Team: Tom P, Heather P
Ushers: Don T, Mary Fayre St.L, David H, Tim F
Counters: Alvin M, John S
Coffee Host: Henry & Elly B
Order of
Hymn: VT # 849 - We Your People, Sing your praises (Song
of the month)
Call to Worship
Opening Prayer
Hymn: VT # 288 - Love the Lord Your God
Galatians 5:1-6, 13-24
Children’s Time:
The Berenstain Bears, Love
Their Neighbours by
Jan and Mike Berenstain
Bible presentations:
recording of Hudson A and Leah F
E presenting to Bryn M
Sermon: Fruits of the Spirit - Pastor Marv
Hymn: VT # 796 - Kyrie
Eleison, Have Mercy v 3 & 4
Offering: “Our Offerings we bring to You”
Community Prayer
Hymn: VT# 46 - Holy Spirit, Truth Divine, v 2,5,6
11:00am - Second Hour (In-Person & Livestream)
Christian Formation upstairs:
Hour: Remember, bring your reusable
mug or travel cup.
> Miles Family reporting on their Sabbatical journey & travel. *Will be Livestreamed*
Christian Formation downstairs
>Junior Sunday
School: Snack Host: Jess & Dan H, Teachers:
David & Allison H
>Junior Youth: Teacher: Lanette FW
(Gr. 5-7, will meet every other Sunday.)
>Youth Meet: Youth will join the upstairs Second Hour this week.
This Week at Valleyview
This week:
Tue, February 14 – Thurs, February16: The Church Office is closed as Heather is away for
a brief admin vacation.
Wed, February 15: Pastor Marv is out of
Feb 15
9:30 am -11:30 am
EarlyON Busy Bodies Drop-In Playgroup
ages 0-6 years (Basement)
Feb 16
Valleyview Male Chorus Rehearsal (Upstairs)
Sunday February 19, 2023
Worship: In-Person & Livestream
Sunday in Galations Series: Galations
A final appeal – do good to all people. What might
that look like?
Worship Leader: David J
Speaker: Ruth A.
Song Leader: Maggie
Pianist: Elenor
Reader: Allison
Tech Team: Dan H,
Heather P
Ushers: Ben R,
Paul A, Helen D
Counters: Alvin
M, Kate CT
Coffee Host: Helen D
– No Second Hour this week (Family Day Holiday Weekend)
Worship Schedule Preview
February 26 – Lent begins
Second Hour: Esther K reflecting on her experience in Cuba.
and Around Valleyview
Kitchen Cleaning – A Thank-You from Property &
Property and maintenance would like to thank Heather for organizing
and participating in a day-long cleaning of both kitchens in the building.
Cupboards, dishes, stoves – it all sparkles now!
We could not have done it without the incredible hard work of: Mary B, Helen D, Eleanor G, Elma F, David J, Shelley K, Heather P, Maggie P
Save The Date: The Great Winter
Warm Up - Saturday February 25th
We are having an
intergenerational event at Valleyview featuring comforter knot
tying. The comforter will go to MCEC, to provide the gift of warmth around
the world.
The event will take place from
10 am until noon. All are invited to drop by, socialize, and tie knots in
the comforter. If you are not comfortable tying a knot yourself, you can
offer morale support or supervise a child who would like to participate. Coffee,
tea, hot chocolate and cookies will be available.
Story time and outdoor
activities have been planned for Sunday School families. Families
with children are invited to join the event for the full 2 hours. Others
without young families can drop in anytime between 10 am and noon (or stay for
the full time).
clothing collection – Ending February 19 2023:
& Ark Aid are both requesting donations of winter clothing. This clothing
drive will end on February 19th. Your contributions these next 2
weeks are welcome! Thank you for your generous response. The red collection bin
is located in the upper lobby.
Guided Prayer 2023: Shaped and Called:
This resource provides an opportunity to integrate prayer and scripture into
daily life. Lent is a time to ask some foundational questions. How do we become
truly human? What is shaping us? Whose call do we act on? You will be
encouraged to delve more deeply into God’s shaping and calling for us. Engage
scripture readings on your own, then share from your experience in a weekly
small group. The prayer guides will be made available to everyone by
email beginning the week of February 26.
S has agreed to be the coordinator and facilitator of this year’s small group
gathering (by Zoom) and so if you would like to participate in a Lenten small
group discussion, please contact Andrea at: andreastreufert@gmail.com
Agape Fellowship:
Agape Fellowship would like to invite anyone who would be
interested in joining us for Bible Study.
It is starting this Tues., Feb. 14 from 11:00 a.m.-12:00
p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at Valleyview.
The next Bible Study would be Tues. Feb. 28--same time and
place. The second and fourth
Thurs. of each month.
If interested, please let me know----tjms.motiejunas@sympatico.ca
Thanks Janice Motiejunas
If you or someone that you know might be interested in
Agape's Pastor position (15 hrs. /week)
please let me know. We would welcome anyone who would also
consider sharing a Sunday message with us.
It could be your testimony or you
could talk about a favorite Bible Story/Character whatever you are comfortable
Our service is at 4:00 p.m. on Sundays in the Fellowship
Hall here at Valleyview M.C.
Please contact me at---tjms.motiejunas@sympatico.ca
Donations to the Church Budget
For ways to donate please visit https://www.valleyviewmc.ca/Give.
11% of 2023 Budget received to-date:
Received to Date: $32,390 of total $292,653 required.
Total donations received in February: $3,705
Monthy donations target: $24,504
To register or adjust your pledge toward our 2023 Budget, please click here.
In the Broader Community
Urgent: Support for Türkiye and Syria
MCC is accepting donations to support people affected by
the Feb. 6 earthquake in Türkiye and Syria. MCC is working with long-term partners in Aleppo
and surrounding areas to provide emergency food, shelter, hygiene, sanitation
supplies and trauma counselling. In a country already vulnerable from years of
conflict, this was a devastating blow. You can share God’s love and compassion
with our global neighbours by providing a gift online at mcccanada.ca/earthquake, by calling
800-313-6226 or by sending a cheque earmarked for “Syria and Türkiye
earthquake” to MCC, 203-50 Kent Ave, Kitchener, ON N2G 3R1
Grounding Through Grief: A
Renewal Retreat for Living in a Climate Emergency
April 21 - Sunday 23 2023.
escalating climate crisis brings with it great fear, deep grief, and profound
anxiety. In a culture still largely marked by denial, we need tender spaces to
be with our pain in community. Inspired by, and rooted in, the Work that
Reconnects (Joanna Macy), at this retreat we will hold sacred space to reflect,
grieve, seek hope, and open ourselves to what might be emerging. Facilitated by
Tamara Shantz and Tanya Dyck Steinmann. Visit the Five Oaks
website to register.
Silver Lake Mennonite Camp:
Winter and Spring Retreats: Come to Silver Lake in 2023 for some fun camp
experiences! Coming up soon are… Winter Camp for Grown-Ups (Mar 3-5), March
Break Family Getaway (Mar 14-17). Go to SLMC Retreats & Events for more info and to
Summer Camp Registration is now
Visit the SLMC website for more details about overnight camps, outtrips and day camps. New this year – March Break Day
Camp in Kitchener (Mar 13-17). Click here for Camp Info and Registration
Conrad Grebel University
College – Waterloo:
The 10th International Conference on Ageing and Spirituality will be hosted at Conrad Grebel
University College from June 4 to 7. Registration is now open! All are welcome
to attend and take advantage of workshops and seminars by researchers,
scholars, faith leaders, seniors, policy makers, and care partners. Early bird
pricing is available until March 18, 2023. Visit uwaterloo.ca/ageing-spirituality/ for more information and
to register.
Registration is open for
Ontario Mennonite Music Camp (OMMC), running August 13 -
15 at Conrad Grebel University College. OMMC
provides an exciting camp adventure for 12- to 17-year-olds, pairing
exceptional musical instruction with traditional camp activities. Campers will
find a safe and supportive community to explore their love of music, strengthen
their leadership skills, and deepen their faith. Register by April
15 for the early bird discount: grebel.ca/ommc
For the latest news and volunteer
opportunities, visit links below:
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC):
Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS): mds.mennonite.net.
The January edition of On the
Level is now available from Mennonite Disaster Service. Click on this link to read more: https://conta.cc/3QOHgCA
Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA): www.meda.org.
Attendance Practices at
Masking Policy at Valleyview
Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health strongly
recommends that Ontarians wear masks in all indoor public
settings. Our
Valleyview COVID-19 task force encourages everyone to:
Wear masks for worship services and
large gatherings
the COVID-19 vaccines and influenza vaccine (flu shot)
home if feeling unwell
Extra single-use masks are available at the entry doors on Sunday
in case of forgetting to bring one.
We hope these recommendations
help to ensure everyone feels comfortable and safe at Valleyview. Thanks for
your cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to
our COVID-19 task force committee members: Don, Greg, Erin, and Heather.
Scent-Free Zone: Severe
Scent Allergy
Valleyview is a scent-free zone as many
participants have strong reactions to scented products. Please refrain from
using all scented products: cologne, perfume, hairspray, hand
and body lotion.
This Weekly
Update e-mail has been sent by the Church Office at Valleyview Mennonite Church
(an Ontario Corporation). To UNSUBSCRIBE from the Valleyview congregation email distribution
list, please email office@valleyviewmc.ca and request to be removed.