Weekly Update from Valleyview Mennonite
For no one can lay any foundation other
than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
Corinthians 3:11
If you have a Joy or Concern that you would
like to bring forward to the congregation on Sunday, please email Pastor Marv
at marv@valleyviewmc.ca.
Worship & Second Hour Live Stream
WATCH HERE: https://www.valleyviewmc.ca/watch/
Contact the office for viewing password
Feb 8: Evening Zoom Conversation – 7:00pm
This week’s meeting hosted by Ken D., who will send topic details out by
Contact the office for meeting details
New and updated announcements are marked with
purple font.
Scent-Free, and Reusable Cup attendance practices are detailed at the end of
this email.
Next Sunday February 5, 2023
10:00am Worship: In-Person &
Communion Service:
We invite all to join
together around the communion table to participate in the Lord’s Supper
– as we eat and drink in remembrance of Christ’s life and sacrifice for us.
Gluten-free pretzels, juice, and grapes will be provided for those who wish to
participate - signifying God’s love for them.
For those of you participating from home
– please have bread/cracker and juice at the ready so that you can join in as
Third Sunday in Galations Series -
Galatians 3 & 4
The heart of the matter –
we are justified by faith. But what does that really mean?
Worship Leader: Lynne W
Speaker: Pastor Marv
Song Leader: Maggie P
Pianist: Elenor T
Reader: Elma F
Tech Team: John S, Heather P
Ushers: Ben R, Helen D, Allison H, Tim F
Counters: Erin WP, Helen D
Coffee Host: Tom P
Order of
to Worship
Hymn: VT#671 - The Hand of God Shall Hold You
Scripture: Galatians 3: 1 – 6, 26 – 29.
Leader: Your word is a light to my path.
People: Thanks be to God.
Story: I am Me, Susan Verde
We are all children of God through faith in
Jesus – so let’s celebrate! - Marv Friesen
VT#565 - Christ is Alive and Goes Before Us
VT#849 - We Your People, Sing Your Praises
11:00am - Second Hour (In-Person & Livestream)
Adult Christian Formation upstairs:
>Coffee Hour:
Remember, bring your reusable mug or travel cup.
>Sermon discussion on our
study of Galations. *Will be Livestreamed*
Christian Formation downstairs
>Junior Sunday
School: Snack
Host: Kristibeth K, Teacher (Special Activity): Maggie P, Kristibeth
>Youth Meet
This Week at Valleyview
Feb 7
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Board Meeting (Online)
Feb 8
9:30 am -11:30 am
EarlyON Busy Bodies Drop-In Playgroup
ages 0-6 years (Basement)
Feb 8
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Evening Zoom Conversation
Host: Ken D.
Feb 9
Valleyview Male Chorus Rehearsal (Upstairs)
Feb 11
Valleyview Annual General Meeting of the Corporation
Upstairs at the church & on Zoom, Child-Care available.
See Announcements section for details.
Looking Ahead:
February 13 – 16: The Church Office will be closed for a brief admin vacation.
Wed, February 15: Pastor Marv will be out of office.
Sunday February 12, 2023
Worship: In-Person & Livestream
Sunday in Galations Series: Galations
We are called to be free – but what does freedom in
Christ look like? Paul reminds us of the “fruits of the Spirt.”
Worship Leader: Donelda
Speaker: Pastor
Song Leader: Henry P
Pianist: Krisanne
Reader: Kristibeth
Tech Team: Tom P,
Heather P
Ushers: Don T,
Mary Fayre St.L, David H, Tim
Counters: Alvin
M, John S
Coffee Host: Henry
& Elly B
- Second Hour (In-Person & Livestream)
Christian Formation upstairs:
>Coffee Hour: Remember, bring your reusable mug or travel cup.
> Miles Family
reporting on their Sabbatical journey & travel. *Will be Livestreamed*
Christian Formation downstairs
>Junior Sunday School: Snack Host:
Jess & Dan H, Teachers: David & Allison H
>Junior Youth: will meet every other
Sunday, lead by Lanette FW
>Youth Meet
Worship Schedule Preview
February 19 – Galations
Series End: Galations 6
A final appeal – do good to all people. What might that look like?
February 26 – Lent begins
Second Hour: Esther K reflecting on her experience in Cuba.
and Around Valleyview
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Annual General Meeting of the
Corporation is scheduled for Saturday, February 11, 2022
at 10:00 am, in-person and on Zoom. Please mark your calendars. Refer to
the email sent Jan 28th for the AGM Notice & Proxy form, Meeting
Agenda, and Report Booklet as well as the Zoom meeting link.
Childcare is available. Please
contact Erin WP - BoardChair@valleyviewmc.ca, or Heather in the office if you have
children to register for childcare in order to attend
the meeting. A screened volunteer and assistant will oversee games &
activities in the basement for children.
Save The Date: The Great Winter Warm Up - Saturday February 25th
intergenerational event at Valleyview featuring comforter tying for MCEC to provide
the gift of warmth around the world. In
the morning, story time and outdoor activities are planned for Sunday School
families. Event details will be in the next Weekly Update.
Winter clothing collection – Ending February 19
& Ark Aid are both requesting donations of winter clothing. This clothing
drive will end on February 19th. Your contributions these next 2
weeks are welcome! Thank you for your generous response. The red collection bin
is located in the upper lobby.
Guided Prayer 2023: Shaped and Called:
This resource provides an opportunity to integrate prayer and scripture into
daily life. Lent is a time to ask some foundational questions. How do we become
truly human? What is shaping us? Whose call do we act on? You will be
encouraged to delve more deeply into God’s shaping and calling for us. Engage
scripture readings on your own, then share from your experience in a weekly
small group. The prayer guides will be made available to everyone by
email beginning the week of February 26.
S has agreed to be the coordinator and facilitator of this year’s small group
gathering (by Zoom) and so if you would like to participate in a Lenten small
group discussion, please contact Andrea at: andreastreufert@gmail.com
Agape Fellowship:
is starting a new Bible Study on the second and fourth Tues of the month,
beginning Feb. 14 at 11:00 a.m. This
study would continue monthly. Subject to
be announced.
well, Agape would like to hear from anyone interested in sharing a message with
us on a Sunday afternoon.
you are interested in either of the above, please contact Janice at tjms.motiejunas@sympatico.ca
Seeking Empty Shoebox Donations
Our stock of shoeboxes is running low as we prepare to support our
Post-Secondary Undergraduates again this March. If you have empty shoeboxes
from recent or upcoming purchases – the office will happily take them off your
hands! Please bring them on a Sunday and leave on the table outside the office
door. Thank you.
Donations to the Church Budget
We have received 84% of
our Pledge goal to-date. To register or adjust your pledge toward our 2023 Budget, please click here.
For ways to donate please visit https://www.valleyviewmc.ca/Give.
Total donations received in January: $28,510
Monthy donations target: $24,504
In the Broader Community
MCEC Annual Church Gathering: Transformed. Inspired. Called
Save the Date: April 28 &
29, 2023
Rockway Mennonite Collegiate,
Kitchener, ON
MCEC is a
diverse community, transformed by the love of God, inspired by the hope we find
in Jesus, called to action by the power of the Holy Spirit.
MCEC: Connected to God's
Feb 7, 2023, 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Online $25
As we begin to understand more about the importance of biodiversity, habitat
loss, and our place in a ‘community of creation,’ planting gardens that support
a variety of life is an act of reconciliation with creation. Click here for More Information
February 26, 2:30pm, St
Jacobs Mennonite Church (1310 King St North, St Jacobs). Please join Carla Klassen for the launch of her new book, These
Songs We Sing: Reflections on the Hymns We Have Loved (Pandora Press). This event will combine a live performance of
some of the piano arrangements with selected readings from the book. This
is a pay-what-you-can event to cover costs. All are welcome.
Conrad Grebel University
College – Waterloo:
The 10th International Conference on Ageing and
Spirituality will be hosted at Conrad Grebel
University College from June 4 to 7. Registration is now open! All are welcome
to attend and take advantage of workshops and seminars by researchers,
scholars, faith leaders, seniors, policy makers, and care partners. Early bird
pricing is available until March 18, 2023. Visit uwaterloo.ca/ageing-spirituality/ for more information and
to register.
Registration is open for
Ontario Mennonite Music Camp (OMMC), running August 13 -
15 at Conrad Grebel University College. OMMC
provides an exciting camp adventure for 12- to 17-year-olds, pairing
exceptional musical instruction with traditional camp activities. Campers will
find a safe and supportive community to explore their love of music, strengthen
their leadership skills, and deepen their faith. Register by April
15 for the early bird discount: grebel.ca/ommc
For the latest news and volunteer
opportunities, visit links below:
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC):
Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS): mds.mennonite.net.
The January edition of On the
Level is now available from Mennonite Disaster Service. Click on this link to read more: https://conta.cc/3QOHgCA
Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA): www.meda.org.
Attendance Practices at
Reusable Cup - Coffee Hour: Policy at Valleyview
Please bring
your own re-usable mug for coffee on Sunday mornings. Compostable single-use
cups are intended for occasional guests. If you must use a compostable cup,
please place it in the marked blue box near the kitchenette.
single-use coffee cups have been provided to help minimize the spread of germs
(COVID and other) for those who have forgotten to bring their re-usable mugs. However,
they must be taken to an enviro-depot facility south of London which is not the
way we should be reflecting our congregational desire to be environmentally
responsible. Thank you for remembering your own travel/re-usable mug on
Sunday mornings!
Masking Policy at Valleyview
Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health strongly
recommends that Ontarians wear masks in all indoor public
settings. Our
Valleyview COVID-19 task force encourages everyone to:
Wear masks for worship services and
large gatherings
the COVID-19 vaccines and influenza vaccine (flu shot)
home if feeling unwell
Extra single-use masks are available at the entry doors on Sunday
in case of forgetting to bring one.
We hope these recommendations
help to ensure everyone feels comfortable and safe at Valleyview. Thanks for
your cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to
our COVID-19 task force committee members: Don, Greg, Erin, and Heather.
Scent-Free Zone: Severe
Scent Allergy
Valleyview is a scent-free zone as many
participants have strong reactions to scented products. Please refrain from
using all scented products: cologne, perfume, hairspray, hand
and body lotion.