Bulletin for Jan 15th, 2023

Bulletin for Jan 15th, 2023

Weekly Update from Valleyview Mennonite Church


For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 3:11


If you have a Joy or Concern that you would like to bring forward to the congregation on Sunday, please email Pastor Marv at marv@valleyviewmc.ca .




10:00am - Worship & Second Hour Live Stream


11:00am – Home viewers fellowship time (Zoom)
Join Sunday Zoom Meeting

Valleyview website registered members, click here Watch > Virtual Participants Fellowship


New and updated announcements are marked with purple font.



Preparing for Sunday Attendance



Facemask, Scent-Free, and Reusable Cup attendance policies are detailed at the end of this email.


Sunday January 15, 2023

10:00am Worship: In-Person & Livestream

First Sunday: Galatians 1
What is the gospel – the “good news”? How would you define and identify it? Who has the authority to make “gospel claims”?

Worship Leader: Kristibeth K

Speaker: Pastor Marv

Song Leader: Derek M

Pianist: Krisanne N

Reader: Heidi W

Tech Team: Dan H, Heather P

Ushers: Brian C, Henry J, Allison H, Innocent M

Counters: Henry J, Erin WP

Coffee Host: Eleanor G


Order of Service



Land Acknowledgement 


Call to Worship 

Hymn: VT # 565 Christ is Alive and Goes before Us – Song of the month 

Hymn: VT # 443 – I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

Scripture:  Galatians 1: 1-10

Prayer of Confession
Leader: God of mercy,

We are sorry that we have not always done what you wanted us to do.

People: Lord, please forgive us.

Leader: We have not loved you with all our heart,

People: Lord, please forgive us.

Leader: We have not cared enough for other people,

People: Lord, please forgive us.

Leader: We have not always been good stewards of our lands.

People: Lord, have mercy on us.

Leader: Forgive us through Jesus. Amen.

Children’s Time

Sermon:  Defining the Gospel by Pastor Marv

Hymn:  VT # 590 – I Know Not Why God’s Wonderous Grace 

Offering:  Our Offerings We Bring to You  

Congregational Sharing and Prayer 

Hymn:   VT 161 – I Sought the Lord



11:00am - Second Hour (Will be Livestreamed)

Adult Christian Formation upstairs
> Coffee Hour – all are encouraged to bring a travel mug for hot beverage, to reduce the compostable single use cup waste.
> *Livestreamed* Post-Sermon Conversation on Galatians with Pastor Marv.
In preparation for Second Hour this Sunday, please consider these suggestions:

1.      Read through the text of Galatians 1:1-10 several times. Circle the words that stick out to you – perhaps words that speak to you. Consider what it is Paul is hoping to communicate to the people.

2.      Consider what that message means for us today. How does it speak to us?

3.      Paul seems more than a bit miffed that the people are being misled about the “truth” or substance of the gospel message. In fact he curses those who mislead. How does Paul counter this argument - what is at the heart of the gospel?


Children/Youth Christian Formation downstairs
>Junior Sunday School: Snack Host: Lynne & Paul W, Teachers: Carmen ML

>Youth Meet


This Week at Valleyview


Tues. Jan 17 th

7:00 pm

Board Meeting

Wed. Jan 18 th

9:30 am-11:30am

EarlyON Busy Bodies Drop-In Playgroup
ages 0-6 years (Basement)

Thurs. Jan 19 th


Valleyview Male Chorus Rehearsal (Upstairs)

Fri. Jan 20 th

1 0:00am

Valleyview Seniors Group Gathering (Upstairs)

Please note the change of plans announced for this Friday’s gathering located within the In and Around Valleyview announcements section of this Weekly Update.


Next Sunday January 22, 2023

10:00am Worship: In-Person & Livestream

Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday


Worship Leader: Jacques P

Speaker: Pastor Marv

Song Leader: Donelda F

Pianist: Elenor T

Reader: Susan BP

Tech Team: Tom P, Heather P

Ushers: Don T, Mary Faye St.L , David H, Tim F

Counters: Terry C, Brian Z

Coffee Host: Host Required


11:00am - Second Hour

Adult Christian Formation upstairs :
>Coffee Hour
>Celebrating new Canadian Citizenship of Innocent M’s family, including a special treat!


Children/Youth Christian Formation downstairs
>Junior Sunday School: Snack Host: Krista & Paul A, Teachers: Mike & Donelda F

>Youth Meet


Worship Schedule Preview


January 15 - Beginning of a series on Galatians - First Sunday: Galatians 1
What is the gospel – the “good news”? How would you define and identify it? Who has the authority to make “gospel claims”?
Second Hour: Sermon follow-up, discussing Galations with Pastor Marv


January 22 - Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday

Second Hour: Celebrating new Canadian Citizenship of Innocent M’s family, including a special treat!


January 29 - Galatians continued - Second Sunday: Galatians 2

What is the issue that troubles Paul? Why is it a big deal?

Second Hour: Board budget review meeting


February 5 – Galations Continued - Third Sunday: Galatians 3 & 4
The heart of the matter – we are justified by faith. But what does that really mean?


February 12 – Galations Continued – Fourth Sunday: Galations 5

We are called to be free – but what does freedom in Christ look like? Paul reminds us of the “fruits of the Spirt.”


February 19 – Galations Series End: Galations 6
A final appeal – do good to all people. What might that look like?


In and Around Valleyview


Valleyview’s Annual General Meeting  

The Annual General Meeting of the Corporation is scheduled for Saturday, February 11, 2022 at 10:00 am, in-person and on Zoom . Please mark your calendars.  



Friday, Jan. 20 Seniors Gathering at 10AM

Please note the change of plans for this Friday’s gathering.

Our scheduled speaker is not available due to illness.  She will be rescheduled for a future date.

Conversation for the gathering on Jan. 20 will now focus on how we have sustained ourselves during the years of Covid. What have been the impacts on you? How have you spent your time?  What have you learned about yourself?  Perhaps you have been creative, if you have something you would like to share, bring it along.

Refreshments will not be served, you are welcome to bring your own.



Coffee Hour - Compostable coffee cups

We continue to request that you bring your own re-usable mug for coffee on Sunday mornings and leave the compostable single-use cups for occasional guests. If you must use a compostable cup, please place it in the marked blue box near the kitchenette.


Compostable single-use coffee cups have been provided the past few months to help minimize the spread of germs (COVID and other) for those who have forgotten to bring their re-usable mugs. Although classed as "compostable," these single-use dishes cannot be processed in household compost. They must be taken to an enviro-depot facility south of London. This weekly task of fishing compostable cups out of the garbage is not the way we should be reflecting our congregational desire to be environmentally responsible.  Thank you for remembering your own travel/re-usable mug on Sunday mornings!



Seeking Usher Volunteers

Valleyview is looking for ushers for our Sunday worship services. There are currently three teams; one more team is being sought. Would you be willing to volunteer as an usher approximately once a month? The main tasks include greeting, taking offering, and carrying the microphone during congregational sharing time.


Please let Mike F know if you are willing to be an usher or if you would like more information on the tasks involved ( michael.gp.funk@gmail.com ).



Winter clothing collection – Ongoing:

LUSO & Ark Aid are both requesting donations of winter clothing. This will be an ongoing opportunity throughout the winter so contributions are always welcome! Thank you for your generous response. The red collection bin is located in the upper lobby.


Donations to the Church Budget


For ways to  d onate and YTD contribution statements -  please visit  the  Valleyview Website  at  https://www.valleyviewmc.ca/Give


Your financial support of Valleyview Mennonite Church ministries and programs in 2022 made a difference.   Thank-you.  


Your 2022 Charitable Donation Receipt is now available for download on the website using the Green button below.    Paper copies will only be mailed to donors who do not download.    We will mail those by end of January. 

Download Tax Receipt

You will be prompted for your registered userid and password.  


If you have not yet registered at the website you can do so by clicking the Register New Account blue button.


Register New Account


John S, Treasurer 


In the Broader Community


MCC/MCEC: Won't You Pray With Us? Canada-Wide Event: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
January 18-25, 2023

Mennonite Church Canada and MCEC invite you to participate in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity from Jan. 18 – 23.

MCEC staff will be using the Week of Prayer resources during our staff devotions, and we invite you to add your prayers to ours on that day, either during our 9-9:30 a.m. prayer time or at another time during your day.


Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp: Hiring for Summer Camp 2023
Looking for a summer job? Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp is Hiring for
Summer Camp 2023! Located just outside of Shakespeare, ON, Hidden Acres provides opportunities for you to impact the lives of young people, serve God and others in a safe and fun environment, grow in your ability to be a great leader and have fun through it all! We are accepting applications for all positions until February 1. For more information or to apply, CLICK HERE Or, contact Emily Taylor at 519-625-8602 or emily@hiddenacres.ca



MCC: Apply today for SALT!
August 2023 - July 2024
Serving and Learning Together (SALT) is a year long service experience with one of MCC’s international partners. SALT service opportunities for 2023-2024 include a 
Migrant Shelter Support Worker  in Guatemala,   Food Security Project Assistant   in Rwanda,   Teacher   in Cambodia and many more. Apply by February 15 for best assignment selection and to be guaranteed consideration for 2023 placements. Learn more by joining an online conversation with past SALTers who will share their experience and answer wany questions on January 18 at a pm. Go to  mcco.ca/events  for more info and to register.



Grebel Gallery | Your Wall Can (Not) Divide Us | Opening Wednesday, January 25, 7:00 PM

This interactive exhibition at Conrad Grebel University College includes photos of street art pieces from a range of conflict-affected societies and an opportunity to leave your own ‘mark’ on the gallery walls. Come explore topics of resistance, political communication, commemoration, and identity expression. More information at:  uwaterloo.ca/ centre -peace-advancement/ grebel -gallery



For the latest news and volunteer opportunities, visit links below:

·        Mennonite Central Committee   (MCC): mcccanada.ca .

·        Mennonite Disaster Service   (MDS):   mds.mennonite.net .

o    The December edition of On the Level is now available from Mennonite Disaster Service. Click on this link to read more: https://conta.cc/3BSqFaC

·        Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA): www.meda.org .


Attendance Requests/Policies at Valleyview


Reusable Cup - Coffee Hour: Policy at Valleyview

We request you bring your own re-usable mug for coffee on Sunday mornings and leave the compostable single-use cups for occasional guests. If you must use a compostable cup, please place it in the marked blue box near the kitchenette.


Compostable single-use coffee cups have been provided to help minimize the spread of germs (COVID and other) for those who have forgotten to bring their re-usable mugs. They must be taken to an enviro-depot facility south of London. This weekly task of fishing compostable cups out of the garbage is not the way we should be reflecting our congregational desire to be environmentally responsible.  Thank you for remembering your own travel/re-usable mug on Sunday mornings!


Masking Policy at Valleyview

Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health strongly recommends that Ontarians wear masks in all indoor public settings . Our Valleyview COVID-19 task force encourages everyone to:

  • Wear  masks for worship services and large gatherings
  • Get the COVID-19 vaccines and influenza vaccine (flu shot)
  • Stay home if feeling unwell

Extra single-use masks are available at the entry doors on Sunday in case of forgetting to bring one.


We hope these recommendations help to ensure everyone feels comfortable and safe at Valleyview. Thanks for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our COVID-19 task force committee members: Don, Greg, Erin, and Heather.


Scent-Free Zone: Severe Scent Allergy

Valleyview is a scent-free zone as many participants have strong reactions to scented products. Please refrain from using all scented products: cologne, perfume, hairspray, hand and body lotion.




This Weekly Update e-mail has been sent by the Church Office at Valleyview Mennonite Church (an Ontario Corporation). To UNSUBSCRIBE from the Valleyview congregation email distribution list, please email office@valleyviewmc.ca and request to be removed.
