Item Detail

Notice of Special Meeting of the Membership - September 15, 2024

ONCA - Valleyview's By-laws Q&A Sessions and Special Meeting of the Membership


(Email sent to Members July 7, 2024)
Notice of Special Meeting of the Membership on September 15, 2024


The Board of Directors is ready to share the revamped Valleyview bylaws with the congregation. After one and a half years of working with Valleyview's corporate lawyer David Jutzi, we are ready to bring Valleyview into compliance with the Ontario Not-For-Profit Corporations Act.


At our June 25th Board meeting, these documents were unanimously approved by the Directors, and we now require the membership to review and approve these governing documents at the upcoming meeting of the membership (Special Meeting of the Membership).


We are planning two Q&A Sessions for members and participants. These meetings are optional.

· Sunday, July 28 during the second hour from 11 am to noon (in-person)

· Wednesday, Aug 14 from 7:30-8:30 pm (on Zoom)


On Sunday, Sept 15, 2024, we request the membership and participants of Valleyview Mennonite Church join us for a Special Meeting of the Membership during the second hour (11 to noon).  At this meeting, the membership will approve the revised bylaws and resolutions, revise our previous decision on an auditor, and conduct other business.


Please find in this package:


  1. Agenda for the meeting of the membership on Sunday, Sept 15, 2024 - with the proposed motions.
  1. Proxy form for the meeting - if you cannot attend.

(Click here to view Agenda & Proxy form.)


  1. The Letters Patent - October 25, 2001, are unchanged and provided for completeness. They can be reviewed here on our website.


  1. New Bylaws for Valleyview Mennonite Church - which will be submitted to Canada Revenue Agency and filed with the Ontario Government after they are approved by the membership. They can be reviewed here on our website.


  1. Resolutions and Operating Procedures - which the membership will also be asked to approve. While this document will not be submitted to the Ontario Government and Canada Revenue Agency, it contains additional Resolutions that will govern Valleyview Mennonite Church. You should read this document to further clarify and describe how Valleyview Mennonite Church operates. They can be reviewed here on our website.


The board minutes and decisions taken by the Directors through this process can be reviewed by the membership on our website under Resources > Board of Directors Minutes (must be logged in to your user profile). They are also available in hard copy in the church's library. 


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the Directors. We look forward to seeing everyone at the Q&A sessions and the Special Meeting of the Membership!



Deb Good, Michael Funk, Russ Sawatsky, John Spenler, and Erin Williams
